

  • roswyn80
    roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
    ... I got lazy when I moved back home, and not doing any exercise didn't mesh well with my addiction to junk food. Oh pizza, how I love thee!
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    although I eat very healthily, I have a major problem with portion control, not to mention a weakness for wine!
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    In order of greatest to least:

    I eat too much food
    I drink too much booze
    I don't exercise enough
    I don't get enough sleep
    I am overstressed

    Simple as that.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Because I was under the impression that everyone in the fitness world was a raging tard, and I wanted nothing to do with it for the first 27 years of my life. Now I've seen that only about half are retarded, and that's a good enough ratio for me.

    That and I liked video games way more than I liked weights...or not looking like Jabba the Hutt's stunt double. At least I never liked food much anyway, or I'd be in much worse shape than I am now.
    You'll be struck down with lightning using the words tard and retarded! There was another thread where someone used the same word and it got real nasty and personal. Good luck to you.

    I'm fat because I'm too short for my weight. No really, I eat compulsively and impulsively.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I got lazy, comfortable and ate pizza.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    After 5 kids and un lost babyweight am still fighting with last few pounds!!!
  • mrsvampette
    mrsvampette Posts: 99 Member
    because I was too lazy to workout and I ate way too much without caring. It's my fault I'm fat but its because of me I'm getting fit. :)
  • matt1981g
    matt1981g Posts: 3 Member
    I made bad choices when I was younger and now have to pay this back plus the interest!!!!
  • bohoatthebeach
    I ate when I wasn't hungry.
  • Faithy345
    Faithy345 Posts: 13 Member
    I have spent a majority of my life not caring what happens to me or whether I'm healthy or not. I ate whatever I felt like without thinking about any of the consequences, and didn't bother to get out and be physically active to burn the calories I was consuming. On top of that, my genes, a medical condition that screws up my metabolism as well had some impact.. among other things. But at some point you just have to actually start to give a damn about yourself.
  • mumtoadiva
    mumtoadiva Posts: 9 Member
    i went on a fad diet and put my body in into starvation mode, whitin weeks i put double back on what i lost and never stopped eating. now my portions are as big as my butt and i have gone from 3 meals to 5 and then some. time to make a big change!!!
  • bonniegough
    bonniegough Posts: 7 Member
    ... I snack too much. My meals are usually very healthy, and my portion control is good. I can't eat huge meals. It's the in-between that I struggle with. I'm constantly snacking, and that's where the calories mount up. I get hungry late at night and sometimes I binge.
  • geoffreyhipango
    geoffreyhipango Posts: 11 Member
    because I settled for a 2nd rate version of me because I was afraid of constantly failing which reinforced a constant negative self image. I didnt really believe that I deserved better, and when I did do well and achieve....I sabotaged my progress. I DESERVE BETTER FOR MYSELF.
  • TahliaHarveysMummy
    although I eat very healthily, I have a major problem with portion control, not to mention a weakness for wine!

    this along with being too lazy to do any form of exercise! Still have a slight problem with portion control but trying to get there!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I love Chinese food and I dislike moving.
  • Hiccup90
    Hiccup90 Posts: 28 Member
    My portions were far too big.
    I love sweets and chocolate and I don't know when to stop.
    I was bullied in school (due to other reasons) I took the pain away with fatty foods. It only led to another reason for them to bully me.
    I ate when I was bored.
    I rarely moved. I sat on my fat behind and played on the ps3. Exercise was something I'd do tomorrow. But tomorrow never came so I had to make it today.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Portions that were too big
    I wasn't taught healthy eating as a child
    My fortress of fat
    Also, yay, comfort eating! :|
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I assumed I would always be thin. (I was 118lbs when I married and very thin)
    I ate anything and everything when I was pregnant, all three times.
    I never bothered to try to lose the extra weight between baby #1 and baby #2.
    I never bothered to try to lose the extra weight between baby #2 and baby #3.
    I assumed that after my "baby making days" I would automatically lose the weight from all the running around after said babies.
    I STILL ate anything and everything I wanted to.
    By the time my reality caught up with my life... I had topped 213# !

    I am currently at 185# and working towards 130# because I don't want to just be thin, I want to be a healthy, toned thin! :)
  • StephDuffney
    StephDuffney Posts: 51 Member
    My strong dislike of being sweaty. I do get sweaty now however the first thing on my mind when i am done with my work out is the hottest shower i can get and a good scrub.
  • SirKelsalot
    I'm fat sort of because I have PCOS (insulin resistance is a pain), but mainly because before I knew I had PCOS I was eating huge portions, comfort eating due to depression, indulging in junk food instead of making healthy choices, and... yeah. I gained so much weight, especially around the belly, that me and my Mum were worried that I was pregnant, which led to even MORE comfort eating to alleviate stress.

    Funnily enough though I was getting a good bit of exercise in back then - I had to walk almost an hour a day as part of my commute to university, and at my Mum's place we have an excitable Border Terrier cross that always wanted walking, and a niece who always has me running around after her whenever she's over... so I must have been eating tons to have gained all that weight!

    Now that I'm aware of my condition and keeping tabs on my food and exercise, the weight is happily dropping off. ^_^

    EDIT: Also alcohol and tea with whole milk and 2 sugars. I used to drink quite a bit of both before I went to university, which can't have helped! I think I drank even MORE tea while there.