Now THESE are motivational bodies

Everyone has a different view and idea of what they want their body to look like.... Thin & Lean..... Muscular & stacked.... Though my overall goal is to be a HEALTHIER me, I look to certain people in the public eye for motivation...


Jennifer Love Hewitt has an AWESOME figure.... I would still like to have my curves



I know a lot of people HATE Kim Kardashian... But she has a GREAT body...


Cheryl Burke has a great body too!



  • Long_and_Lean
    Long_and_Lean Posts: 175 Member
    Kim K may be a vapid you-know-what with the IQ of a rock snail, but she's got my dream body. Funny thing is, I've been compared to her looks-wise more than once. But I do not even come close to that body. Here's hoping!
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    I love Jennifer's body! I think she's really sexy, and I love her style. She's curvy, and classy, and cares nothing about what people think or say about her body.

    I hope I can get a body like that soon. ;)