Kate Upton, FAT??



  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    For models standards, I think she maybe considered fat.
    To me she could be a little more fit.
    I think the model starving mode takes it's toll on the body.
    I do think she looks nice though but there is room for improvement

    For model standards?? You just stated what is wrong with this world. By model standards is why so many women have eating disorders in the first place. We are all given unreal expectations of what we should look like by the media, then people like you back it up by saying a woman like Kate Upton could be more fit when she is freakin hot! You actually think she needs improvement?? Unreal expectations.
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    Each to there own but I reallt think we need more kates...
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    erm............i think more like well fit!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I think she's gorgeous.

    Of course, you have to consider the source of the criticism... someone blogging on a pro-anorexia website probably has some issues.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Fair is fair, she could do with losing a few pounds
  • natashahunt2010
    Fair is fair, she could do with losing a few pounds

    You must be heavily medicated.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Fair is fair, she could do with losing a few pounds

    I am joking of course. She is beautiful. I'd crawl thru tunnel of .......... you know how that goes lol
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    She's gorgeous! I don't understand why people have to be so negative, most of these post I agree with 100%

    But really, what does she need to improve? For a woman 10-12% fat is considered ESSENTIAL fats(hormones etc) the number is lower for guys, but my goal is that(plus a little more muscle, but that's my love of weight training), she is the picture that I need to pin up! Soft an feminine, flat but not sunken in stomach.

    I would much rather my daughter fall in love with a healthy looking model like her than try to look like the anorexic sticks.. j/s

    bottom line Kate Upton=gorgeous!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Though I disagree with the comments about her, I wouldnt PERSONALLY want her body. Theres nowt wrong with her, but I'd prefer my own body to be leaner.
    Not everyone is going to think shes the perfect women, so people shouldnt jump all over those who dont. People have different preferences. However, calling her a 'cow' is disgusting. That said, shes not Andrea Brazier, lets not pretend shes a fitness model. Shes a model, she may be fit. Shes not underweight, but shes not a fitness model.
  • whatascene
    whatascene Posts: 119 Member
    It was posted on a site called "Skinny Gossip" the site is horrific. It's about women obsessing about thinness. Their whole argument is that while some people aim to "get fat" their aim is to be thinner. It's all invalid because both alternatives are unhealthy lmao. It's pretty much a pro-ana site in disguise. Here is where this controversy started:

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    There is a whole 13 page thread going on and on about this topic in General Weight loss if anyone cares to take a look.

    To me, I think she's fine.. and I think the owner of that site/the people on that site need serious help.

    The owner of the site is 5'7 and weighs 98 pounds currently.. that is no where near a healthy weight for that height and yet she doesn't see a problem with it. The owner of the site stated that it is not a pro-anna site but a pro-skinny site where skinny chicks could come together and get support for their diets and feel that being skinny with no muscle tone or anything else is OK. Instead that site has turned into a bunch of fat haters who think that anyone who isn't a walking stick isn't worth living and is "jealous" of them because they aren't thin like them.
  • mushy2
    mushy2 Posts: 24 Member

    I can't believe some people think Kate Upton is fat. What is your opinion? Should she lose weight? Gain muscle? Or stay curvy?
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member

    I can't believe some people think Kate Upton is fat. What is your opinion? Should she lose weight? Gain muscle? Or stay curvy?

    Well said
  • tansygreen
    tansygreen Posts: 85 Member
    This is what is wrong with the world. Its so nice to see that Kate is healthy both physically and mentally! We need more role-models like her for our daughters!

    Thats like the criticism of sportswoman Jessica Ennis, who has a 6-pack by the way! Attaching link for those interested:


    Just had a look at the link - thanks for sharing that. I cannot believe it! This young woman clearly dedicates so much time and energy to achieving goals most people couldn't even dream of. She's someone to celebrate and support, and I really hope my own kids will see people like that as role models. I wish her and her teammates so much success in the olympics, and I will thoroughly enjoy seeing her prove the 'officials' wrong.
  • ghgs13
    ghgs13 Posts: 27
    How on earth is she fat?! I can see her ab muscles! She just has big boobs, which a lot of women do, it doesn't make them fat! This society has some weird views on weight.
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    Kate Upton is beautiful...

    If she is ` fat ` then a lot of the people here and including myself have issues!
    The word is ` curvy ` ?? Maybe some of you want to be ` stick thin ` with bones and everything showing but for me it is curvy all the way..
    I have a J.Lo type body but if that makes me ` fat ` BOOHOO! I will not be crying about it over night. As long as I am healthy then I am ` ok ` x
  • SassyJuliana
    SassyJuliana Posts: 96 Member
    She is gorgeous, and always seems to be having fun!

    For those who wanna see the blog, here it is: http://www.skinnygossip.com/kate-upton-is-well-marbled/#more-2233

    This Skinny Gurl is one mean spirited little witch...
  • collinj8
    collinj8 Posts: 98 Member
    Though I disagree with the comments about her, I wouldnt PERSONALLY want her body. Theres nowt wrong with her, but I'd prefer my own body to be leaner.
    Not everyone is going to think shes the perfect women, so people shouldnt jump all over those who dont. People have different preferences. However, calling her a 'cow' is disgusting. That said, shes not Andrea Brazier, lets not pretend shes a fitness model. Shes a model, she may be fit. Shes not underweight, but shes not a fitness model.

    The problem really is, you take a 13 or 14 year old girl that is struggle with weight, and then she hears someone like Kate Upton is fat really takes a toll on the mind.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    No hope for the human race.
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    She is so spectacularly attractive, I don't know anyone in their right mind that could think she's fat!

    She IS curvier than the average runway model. She's also a swimsuit model, and a curvier, more FIT look is more desirable in that part of the industry!
    Who else agrees that we need more women like her on the runway? She's still impossibly perfect and most women might not be able to achieve a look like hers. BUT most importantly, she looks healthy and not emaciated.