How do you keep going?

I have been on MFP for a grand total of 10 days. I check the scale everyday and 3 days back I saw that I had lost 3 pounds...that is, in a week! I was ecstatic! However, when I checked the scale yesterday(I am a compulsive scale checker lol) I saw that I have gone up a pound.
Now, I know weight fluctuates with water retention,etc. but seeing that 1 pound increase, made me skip exercise yesterday because I was all "OH WHAT'S THE POINT OF THE PAIN" blah blah.
How do people who have lost 10-20-30+ pounds keep going? Have you ever felt like "giving" up?


  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    its easy to burn out.. i also like to check the scale daily.. for me tho, it makes my drive harder, work smarter and never give up! i know what i want at the end of the day so each new one i try and work for that. gotta work to earn to deserve ~ everybody has days that are "off" or they dont feel like doing anything, i just take it as a day of rest and move past it. IMO I think its easier to give up when you have less to lose because its harder and you don’t see progress as you would when you have a lot to lose..
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I have recently gained weight and it hasn't bothered me one iota.

    I know it's all good because my belt is getting looser and clothes are fitting better.

    I wish I'd been tracking the measurements and not just the scale weight.

    Don't rely on the number and go by the feeling is my best advice.
  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks guys...makes sense. My clothes are a little looser and I should be focusing on the small victories that I have each day. And I guess an "off" day is okay once in a while. Gonna work harder!
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    When I first started I felt like my goal was so far off it was almost unattainable. 100 lbs seemed like such a huge mountain in front of me, but every time I stepped on the scale and got that tiny bit closer I chipped away at my goal and got more motivated. The scale will naturally fluctuate, believe me I've seen it happen. That should motivate you even more to do what you need to do to see a decrease in your number the next day. If you see a fluctuation in the morning, that should tell you what you need to work on that day to see a decrease. If you are retaining water, eat less sodium and more potassium. If your muscles are sore from the day before do a different muscle group and allow those to repair. It WILL get easier, I promise!
  • IokiOcto
    IokiOcto Posts: 123 Member
    It's like your running a marathon, this isn't going to be an overnight change. You have to work hard to get the results you want. Weigh in once a week or every 2, checking every day isn't worth it. You'll end up psyching yourself out before you really achieve anything.

    10 days is nothing. You need to have focus, dedication & the drive to get there. it has to be important to you!

    I'm all for losing weight overnight but it doesn't work that way, you have to be realistic about these things.
  • jdk322
    jdk322 Posts: 7 Member
    I know that they say you shouldn't weigh in daily, but I can't help it...I just have to in order to keep going. What I find helpful is this: I keep a weight diary and pick a day to be me "Weekly" weigh in day. I write the days down the side of the diary and I weigh in every day, and record those numbers. But on my weekly weigh in day, I enter that number in bigger, bolder writing, so they stand out. I also include the total lost for the week in that entry. That way, I can see my progress during the week, but if I have a day when I fluctuate (gain), it helps motivate me to get to a losing number by the end of my week. In essence, I'm looking at both short-term (daily) and mid-term (weekly) goals, so a gain in one day doesn't seem like such a big deal taken in the larger context.

    Don't know if any of this makes sense, but it's what works for me. I know seeing the scale go up is hard, but perseverance is the key. There is no way to have a loss every day, but if you have more losses than gains, you'll get there. I know you'll be able to do it if you just keep up your healthy habits. :wink: :wink:
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. What's important is when you look from your starting point to your end goal is that you'll get there. Just like a graph you will see a rise and fall but if you stay faithful you will reach goal.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I'm sorry! That's so frustrating. I grrr for you.

    You've gotta know that if you stick to it that scale WILL move again!

    When I have one of those bad days where it feels like it's all for naught I try to do something uplifting to carry me through it. A funny movie, a walk with my husband, the park with my dog, painting, whatever will remind me that there are other joys in life to partake of.

    I think your attitude plays a big role in the outcome of your efforts. So keep your chin up, eyes on the prize, and don't quit! You'll get there!!!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Its easy to be lazy, its difficult to be fit and work hard at your goals. (I'm not calling you lazy I'm just saying its NOT easy to lose weight, and if it were we would all look like VS models)

    I think we all have had these moments. We all know how you feel. I would suggest only weighing yourself every two weeks if not waiting longer and this will take some of the stress off you.

    I lost 25 pounds and what helped me was trying as hard as I can to switch my routine up so I dont get complacent. When you push yourself through the feeling of not wanting to work out, it feels that much better afterwards and even moreso when you reach your goals or get a little NSV. Those are better than numbers.

    Good luck!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Ugh, I feel your frustration. I had something similar happen to me this week, and even though I'm not a MFP rookie it's still disheartening. The most important thing to do, though, is to dust yourself off and just keep going. If you keep doing all the right things, you WILL see results! It's that simple. This is a lifestyle change, not a fad you just do for a day or two :).

    Good luck!
  • jemiller13
    jemiller13 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with everyone else, i would weigh-in less...because i've found that i only feel defeated when i see that i fluctuate pounds sooooo often! i also would highly suggest taking measurements....i didn't do that in the beginning and am SO bummed about it because i definitely look and feel slimmer than the 12 lbs i have lost so far. my pants being looser almost feels better than an extra lb gone!
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    I really get frustrated as well. I seem to be a very slow loser and almost 2 months I've lost 5 lbs LOL. And then I look in the mirror, and with how much weight I need to lose, 5lbs ain't crap and I still look like a fat blob. I get so discouraged! But I keep going because if I don't, then I won't change ever, if I keep going, I'll get there eventually.

    I remember when I was in school, I thought I would never finish LOL and when I was going for my Master's part time, I really thought I'd never finish, but my mom said something that sticks with me. Time is going to pass either way. SO TRUE. Each day goes by and it's going to go by whether I lose weight or not, in two years time, I can either be slimmer or I'll be the same fat blob I see in the mirror today.

    So that's how I keep going. The new year is going to come around whether I like it or not, but I'd much rather have lost even just 10 lbs rather than 0! In 6 months, I don't want to say "Oh, if I had started 6 months ago, I'd be at my goal weight by now"....and trust me, I've said that for YEARS. I finally got tired of it.
  • soo_z
    soo_z Posts: 42
    I do not weigh myself AT ALL. I go strictly on measurements and how I look. Work towards how you want to look... NOT towards on a number on the scale.
  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks a lot for the support guys. I am going to stop being a scale *kitten* and look at the bigger...or smaller picture :D Measurements are the way to go....thanks for making me realize that :)