Lose weight without gym?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So, after all this rambling my question is... Can I lose all that weight and look toned even if I don't go to a gym? I don't expect to look like someone who works out a lot in a gym, just not get a lot of loose skin and stuff like that. I want to look healthier and toned.
    Yes, absolutely. Of course.
    Anyone here lost a lot of weight without working out in a gym?

    IDK, is 27 pounds "a lot"? I lost most of that doing Zumba, then when the weather turned nice I added hiking and running. And I do body weight exercises and dumbells for strength training.
  • rhondagraymond
    Well, there is a LOT you can do without going to the gym as well. But like you said, you’ve made a start so that’s good. I lost about 27 pounds on an easy weight loss program (http://www.dukandiet.com/Dukan-Coaching/How-It-Works) last June. It was a low carb, high protein diet which focused on meat, chicken, fish, eggs and plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables. I did swim for an hour every day, though. Lost the weight in about 10 weeks.