Need help making a food plan

So Im a Female - 5' 8" - 100kg/ 220lbs

I exercise a lot lately. I go to the gym for ATLEAST an hour about 4-5 times a week.

I've tried Tony Fergunson. (made me lose some weight but i put it back on afterwards and it made me sick) and Lite n Easy 1200 calories plan (saw no results)

Ive decided to go the good old fashioned healthy eating way, but to lose weight I have the feeling I'll have to trick my body to make my metabolism burn round the clock..

Just wondering if anyone who knows how much I should eat and at what times and what type of things i should eat.

Right now i eat

Weetbix 2 biscuits with skim milk.

Salad with meat of some sort / sometimes a sandwich instead

Afternoon Tea
usually a couple biscuits and a coffee
Sometimes if I'm having 3:30 ittis i'll have a bowl of cereal

varies, wahte ver the family eats.

I really need to lose 1kg a week. ;A;
Anyone have a metabolism bosting plan that is healthy and works?

Share your plans that worked for you, i'll try anything!


  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Because you are working out 4 to 5 times a week, you will need to eat more for a healthy weight loss and to prepare yourself for when you do lose the weight. You don't want to be eating so little and then go to maintenance calories and struggle to get anywhere near it.

    I think the best of doing it is, finding out your TDEE for sedentary which for you, is 2210 according to this site:

    This would be the amount of calories you would need to consume if you weren't doing anything. I would then log the exercise that you do, making sure you use an HRM to get a more accurate reading. Eat back all or most of the calories you just burnt. This way you are refueling the energy you just used up.

    For a deficit, if you wanted to lose a kg a week, you would be looking at around a 2lb weight loss, which is a deficit of 1000 calories a day. This would mean you would only be consuming 1200 calories, plus your exercise calories. Now it could work, but it might not work. Sometimes you might have to slow it down a bit and find the right amount of calories and exercise to lose weight.

    Make sure you are getting enough protein and healthy fats in your diet. Switch over to Brown, Wholewheat, Wholegrain, etc. from White. With macro percentages, go with something like 35/30/35 or 35/35/30 (Carbs/Protein/Fat).

    If after a week or so and you are struggling to even get close to your calorie goal. If you are frying something, use Olive Oil to up the amount of fats. Add nuts, avocado and nut butters into your diet. They all contain healthy fats. Go with lean proteins such as chicken, lean turkey, without the skin. If you fancy any other meats, go for it, but try and get the lean versions, you will cut out a lot of the saturated at, but you can use the olive oil to add in the healthy fats.