ANYONE struggling to lose the last few pounds?

I've recently lost 11 pounds! WOO! But i'm struggling to lose the last 10-11. It's tough! Anyone else in this situation? Or been in the situation and have good ideas of how to boost the weight loss again?

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  • spaceylaceys
    me tooo...and a struggle it hoping changing to more cardio this week and next will help...
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Yep, I'm there. I've been stuck for over 2 months!!!! I'm trying to add more weight training to my workouts and eat lots of mini meals throughout the day. We'll see!
  • blakgarnet
    me too! I've lost 9-10 pounds and want to get another 5 off and haven't seen a budge in the scale for a bit (maybe 4 weeks). I'm hoping my C25K training will help. I've also started drinking tons of green tea.
    I AM!!!!!!!
    i regained 15 pounds of 30 and cant seem to shake them off!
    i dont know what to do!
  • everyday
    Count me in also!!

    I lost the last 10 a year ago, since have slacked and put it right back on.

    I know the diligence, commitment and consistency of doing my 3-4 week workout's, calorie counting every bite and eating my BMR cals. Drinking 80-100 oz a day and getting plenty of sleep, it took to lose. But now I am STRUGGLING... to get that right combo, again.

    I know its VERY- VERY POSSIBLE, I felt so much, lighter, energized, happier, 10 lbs makes a BIG difference.

    3 real meals and 1-2 snacks helped me... mini meals tends to make me hungry all the time and never satisfied.

    Best of luck, You can do it!!:smile:
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    It has taken me the last 11 weeks to lose 5lbs, it is slow going for sure - I didn't expect that. I will say I have not been super strict with nutrition every week, I wanted this to be sustainable long term. I went into it with the mindset that I would be hard core to get this done, but quickly realized that wouldn't work well for ME. My healthy/poor food choice ratio is probably 90/10, not too bad. More realistic.

    Some weeks I exercise several days straight, others I alternate days on/off. I have more 'on' weeks than 'on/off' weeks, but I think the occasional break is a good thing.
    I did cut out alcohol almost completely through most of August and September, that seemed to break a bit of a plateau.

    It has been slow - so slow at times even though the scale showed me 1/2 pound loss, it didn't really register until I looked back and realized I actually weighed 5 whole pounds more a few months ago. I'm getting there, it's hard to be patient. Especially when the tape measure is moving even more slowly than the scale, and really the inches are more important to me at this point than the weight.

    I thought I had 3 more to go, now I may re-set my goal. 3 doesn't seem like enough when I look at how I fit in my clothes. So...5-6 more to go? I'll know when I get there...

    I'd love to hear any success stories for those last few as well!
  • jadelynn
    Wow! I'm so glad I'm not the only one!! It's very frustrating getting down to those last pounds, however many they are, and being stuck.
    I initially lost my first 11 pounds doing the Curves diet while I was employeed at a Curves for Women. It worked amazingly! The diet involves a metabolism recovery period for 3-4 weeks. After I did that and was able to maintain my weight with not much work, I tried the diet a second time. It didn't work so well and I only ended up losing a few pounds, only to gain them back. So here I am, still at that same weight, 3 months later.
    I decided starting yesterday that I was going to take control and work my butt off to lose my last pounds! I started a new diet and exercise plan, and since yesterday I've already lost 1.2 pounds! That's a start!! :wink:
    I'm hoping that joining will help as well! It's an easy way to keep track of what I'm eating during the day and making sure I don't go over my calories.
    What are you all doing as far as diet and exercise?

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  • carissa55
    carissa55 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes I have been struggling since June and have only lost 5 lbs! But I'm grateful for losing those 5 :) I'm trying to lose another 13 but will settle for 8-10 and it is very slow going. I'm trying to focus more on having a stronger body right now rather than the weight. I think the weight will come off in time. But yes it is very slow!


  • jadelynn
    That is a great way to look at things!
    I only lost .2 pounds from yesterday to toda, but that's still almost 1.5 pounds in two days! I'll definately take that over nothing. I think today I'm going to try to eat more protein than usual and really amp up my cardio workouts. Hopefully that will give me a boost! =)

    I'd love to hear more peoples' stories!

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  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I've been at a plateau for about 4 weeks. I bought the 30 day shred and I'm hoping that will be my breakthrough. I started eating more protein so I am not as hungry and eating smaller meals more frequently. I'm trying to switch things up and learn what works and what doesn't.
  • jadelynn
    The 30 Day Shred from Jillian Micheals? I'm doing that too! It definately makes you sweat.
  • jadelynn
    Monthly weight goals! Weekly or daily weigh in.