searching for specific type of friends 4 motivation

So im here om MFR for arround 3 months, i have a bmi of 29 weigh 169 lbs and megure 5´4.
Im on a diet of 1200 calories
I would like to find friends that are also in the first months with more or less the same values that i have so i can compare progress and learn somethings with u.


  • Hope502012
    Hope502012 Posts: 98 Member

    I'm the same height as you and on about the same calories. Happy to give and receive support. All the best! :smile:
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hi :) I'm same height, started at 173, down to 170 currently, looking to go to 145! i've been registered on here for months, but really just started taking it seriously last week...

    would love to be able to support and be supported by people in the same position!!!!
  • AnnMaryS
    AnnMaryS Posts: 10 Member
    Hey :)

    You can add me. I've been here for little over a month. I'm doing 1200 calories, and I'm about the same BMI.
  • Shayzeepoo
    Shayzeepoo Posts: 178 Member
    I've been on here for 10 days.

    Bmi - 28.7
    Weight - 162.6 (starting weight of 168.4)
    Height - 5'3"

    I am also on a diet of 1200 calories :-)

    I'd say we are pretty close!
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    Hey love!

    Am short and on 1200 a day, so you're welcome to add!
  • izzy1969
    izzy1969 Posts: 9
    Hi there

    My BMI is 29, I'm 5.4 1/2 and weigh (at the moment!) 79kg. I'm on 1200 calories too.

    Happy to give/receive support x
  • 4myhealth77
    4myhealth77 Posts: 77 Member
    Im 5'2" and have 100lbs to lose, but Im also on 1200 calorie diet. But I find that with exercise, I lose more weight at 1400 calories a day. Its been alot of trial and error for me.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Thanks everyone !

    4myhealth i should loose more or less 55 lbs, but for now im focusing in loosing 22 , dont even want to think about going all the way to that value so im not overwelmed.
    I still am not sure whats best for me, i eat 1200when i dont exercise and plus the calories burned....for some reason its not working that well since i only lost 4 lbs in 50 days
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Hey I'm somewhat similar, I'm 5'2, 178 lbs. BMI of 31 and on a 1200 cal a day. I'm aiming to lose another 40 lbs. Feel free to add me :)