Overdue Introduction!

Hello everybody!
Some background info:
Age: 21
Height: 5'1''
Starting weight: 147
Starting BMI: 27.8 (high end overweight)
Current weight 121
Current BMI: 22.9 (mid range normal)

I've using MFP for over a year now, but I haven't used to social aspect of it at all so far, but I figured now why not.
Ever since I could remember, I was overweight (except for a short period when I was 13), and it has always bothered me. I was always in between wanting to lose weight and then giving up and not caring about it. This has got pretty bad when I reached the height of my weight at 147 lbs which is rather a lot for a person of small frame like mine --I'm only 5'1''. That gave me an overweight BMI, but I just wanted to ignore that and pretend that everything was ok. I was in terrible shape back then. Yet the most terrible aspect as the amount of self loathing and disgust I felt towards myself. No, I wasn't obese, and I knew how to dress and make myself look slimmer, but when it came to facing myself in the mirror I just could take a look.
When I knew I was leaving my hometown and going to college out of state, I decided that it's time for a completely fresh start... time for a new me. I wanted to feel comfortable with myself, confident, and happy. Last summer, I began counting calories, being more aware of what I eat, controlling portions, and eliminating (for the most part) gluten from my diet. I also took up running (started as long aerobic walks) and continues yoga. The first couple of weeks were hard, but I once I got into a routine, the pounds just disappeared. By the end of the summer, I had lost about 12 pounds.
They say that weight-gain always has a psychological aspect, so once I left for school, it was time to face my demons. I was finally able to live my own life without the constant, overbearing supervision of my parents and constantly looking for their approval of my actions. More importantly, I was finally able to come out of the closet at a warm, accepting environment. Over the school year I've lost about 12 more pounds without really trying too hard (I just kept at my diet, which I don't even consider a diet anymore, and continued exercising).
This summer, I'm hoping to reach my final goal weight of 117!
Feel free to friend me and ask me questions.. I'm an open book.


  • AmberMahfouz
    AmberMahfouz Posts: 316
    Well I am here to motivate you! Feel free to add me!
  • chubbee08
    chubbee08 Posts: 5
    Hi, I am only one month on MFP, dont actually have someone to motivate me. Let's cheers each other to reach our goal!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss. Like so many people here it is more than about dropping a few pounds. We are learning lots about ourselfves in the process.
    Good to hear from you, at last :drinker: