Losing too fast?

I am uber excited for losing 19 pounds, of course, but I am not sure if I am losing too fast. This is really the first time in my life that I have tracked my food and exercise and made an effort to lose weight. I basically was on the "see food diet" and doing the "Couch clutch/web surfing" for exercise before. I'm sure that I kick-started my metabolism the first week by losing 11 pounds. I weighed in this morning and lost another eight pounds in week 2.

I started at a BMI of 43 and now it says BMI is 41. I haven't had a chance to take measurements, but my pants are baggy now. I tried on a pair that is a size smaller and can get them to my waist, but can't zip them yet. Before, I couldn't get them past my thighs. So while this is all "Hurray! Huzzah!" and all, I am a little concernced. Since this week's weight loss is slightly down from the first week, maybe it's a sign of slowing down a little.

So mostly I have been avoiding empty calories and making sure I get enough fiber in my diet, as well as protein. I have went over on my protein the last few days. In fact, I am still over on fat, sugar and carbs too, but under on my net calories. For exercise I have mostly been walking and doing calesthenics and stretching my muscles. I was told not to run or jog when your BMI is over 40, but with the heat and no gym membership, I have done a little bit of jogging in place.

I have been loosely following the carb lover's diet, which says 15-20 pounds should be lost in the first month, but adapting it because it wanted me to cut down to 1600 calories, and I know that at 1750 calories, I am barely keeping myself from being hungry just by spacing out my food intake.

Any thoughts on this? Is this something that happens sometimes?


  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    I don't know that it's a problem at your size, really. A big chunk of that will be water weight since you've cut empty carbs and upped your fiber. In addition to that, percentage-wise, it's not a huge amount of weight. You're eating properly, exercising well but not overdoing it.

    Quite frankly, it looks like you've found what works for you! If you think you can do what you're doing for the rest of your life, then I think you've hit pay dirt. :smile:
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I think you are doing great so far. I lost a big chunk of weight in the beginning, it was all water weight. Soon your fat cells will be shrinking and it might slow up a bit. Keep on doing what you are doing and make sure and take before and after pics!

    Edited to say: I wouldn't pay much attention to the not jogging when over 40BMI. I started couch to 5k when I was over 40 and am now up to running/jogging for 1 mile.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Congratulations on your loss! 19 pounds is wonderful!! :flowerforyou:

    I lost quite a bit in the beginning too. During the first couple of months, I was losing an average of 5-7 lbs. a week. You will slow down as you become more fit. I now lose an average of about 1 lb per week. As long as you're healthy and satisfied, I wouldn't worry.

    Edited to use the correct form of you're..because that drives me nutty..lol!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thanks, Merithyn!

    I was kinda thinking that with a BMI of 43 that it probably wasn't a big concern. I am going to stick with what I am doing for another week and see where I am. I am just amazed at how quickly I'm shrinking. The rule of thumb is 1-2 pounds a week. But then, I have never been what could be considered "normal." :laugh:

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That's good to hear, jcjs.

    Thanks for sharing. I was thinking that might be the case, but it's good to hear someone say it.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I looked over your diaries. You are eating enough. I would continue with what is giving you success currently. As you lose weight you will have to readjust as your BMR will go down; however, as you become more fit you can increase the duration and intensity of your exercise. But for now keep doing what your doing.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thanks for looking at my diary, bpotts. I will not let myself be hungry. That's something I just can't do. It's not too hard to choose fruit over candy or other sweets, but I will eat something if I get hungry.

    I am trying to mentally preparing myself for a future plateau and readjust my goals at that time.

    After I got married and had my first baby, I got to 200 pounds, then down to 170, wearing a size 17/18. I stayed there for quite sometime, even after my second baby, but then when I went to a desk job, I starting gaining a little more each year. When I hit size 22W, I quit weighing myself and was soon at a size 24W.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think you are doing great so far. I lost a big chunk of weight in the beginning, it was all water weight. Soon your fat cells will be shrinking and it might slow up a bit. Keep on doing what you are doing and make sure and take before and after pics!

    Edited to say: I wouldn't pay much attention to the not jogging when over 40BMI. I started couch to 5k when I was over 40 and am now up to running/jogging for 1 mile.

    That's great! In high school, I used to do long-distance track. I ran the 800m and the 3200m relay. I can't remember my times, but I did pretty well in competition, not a state finalist or anything, but I came in second and third at different district meets and won a race or two. I ran 3-5 miles, twice a week, and lifted weights on my off days. I will run a 5k before I'm through! :drinker:

    In the past two weeks, I've finally been able to walk up one flight of stairs without getting winded. That's a good feeling. This morning, I jogged up the stairs, and was just a little winded, but by the time I got to my desk, my heart rate was back to normal.

    I was doing jumping jacks, but I started getting a weird pain in my knee. Then I went to "fake" jump roping. (Doing the motion without a rope, since I haven't bought one yet.) I haven't had any issues since then. My knees have been causing me problems for the past couple of years. The fake jump roping usually turns into just jogging in place while moving my arms though. I look pretty silly, but I'm in my bedroom doing it, so there's no one to laugh at me. :tongue:
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    Can i ask what you had for dinner on Tuesday? You had 0ver 120g protein. Thats a lot for one meal.