Energy foods at work!


I exercise 8 times a week and love it. In fact, exercising gives me MORE energy and I feel great for a workout! However, at work I am sat at a desk all day and am pretty much bored 100% of the time. Not only do I feel generally lethargic when I am not physically exercising, but, as do many people, I tend to eat out of boredom and, in my case, to stay awake!!

To combat this, I drink 3 cans of diet energy drinks a day, as well as diet coke and black coffee. However, I have recently discovered Lucozade Revive for 50 cals per 380ml bottle and I also now drink 2 pints of water a day so this is a good start, at least, to weaning myself off the "hard stuff"..!
However, I was wondering, can anybody suggest any foods for the office which would increase my energy levels and keep me awake, but also be low in calories? Perhaps I could replace the energy drinks with these foods?

Many thanks for your help!

Kara ;-)