Talk to me about HRM's



  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    My wife has a pink FT4, I have an FT7

    Both work great, I could bore you for hours with tales of my HRM spreadsheets - ask my wife!
  • eilmeister
    eilmeister Posts: 37
    Beurer PM62, though I'm not sure if it's available in the US. Works like a charm though, and the chest strap is super comfortable.
  • Magnamus
    Magnamus Posts: 66 Member
    I think these devices are intended for last mile fitness and athletes.

    Track your food, do your exercises and use a watch/finger to check your heart rate.

    I think the calorie adjustments are irrelevant if you watched what you eat and perform some activities.

    I don't want to sound negative but can someone please justify the need for one of these devices.
    I just don't see the need unless your a athlete or Olympian and your doing so much movement and all your motions must be track because split seconds count.

    In the end, I think these devices will wear out their novelty for most users and will end up in your dresser, storage or a land fill.

    Commitment and focus is all you need! ...not feeding a tech company your hard earned $$$$

    Send me a friend invite if you agree
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    Polar FT4- watch and soft, replaceable chest strap- both are waterproof to 30m for water exercise. $63 on Mine also syncs to all the cardio equip at the gym as well as my own treadmill and exercise bike at home.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Polar Ft4 makes me happy!
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    If you decide to get a polar, I ordered mine from They have a sale going on, CM8 it gives you a discount, and shipping is free. I ordered mine on Sunday :)
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I think these devices are intended for last mile fitness and athletes.

    Track your food, do your exercises and use a watch/finger to check your heart rate.

    I think the calorie adjustments are irrelevant if you watched what you eat and perform some activities.

    I don't want to sound negative but can someone please justify the need for one of these devices.
    I just don't see the need unless your a athlete or Olympian and your doing so much movement and all your motions must be track because split seconds count.

    In the end, I think these devices will wear out their novelty for most users and will end up in your dresser, storage or a land fill.

    Commitment and focus is all you need! ...not feeding a tech company your hard earned $$$$

    Send me a friend invite if you agree

    I am trying to keep my weight as it is so I'm monitoring my calorie intake as accurately as possible and with the help of my HRM, I'm monitoring my calorie burn as accurately as possible too. With some spreadsheets I am balancing my calorie in and my calories out with surprisingly accurate results.

    The HRM also tells me which exercises are most beneficial, for example whilst coaching kids at football I burnt a staggering 700 calories in 90 minutes, totally focussed on what I was doing I had no idea I was burning that many. A few hundred here, a few extra hundred there and before I know it, I could be losing a pound a week that i didn't want to lose - or worse, put on a pound or two a month

    I enjoy monitoring my calorie burn, it gives me focus.
    Do I need it? No probably not, but I don't need my Ipad, my phone, or my PS3 either - those tech companies get my money too! I choose to have them all because I want to, not because I need to.
  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you so much everyone - great reviews and they pretty much support what my research was suggesting as well. I'm interested in what I'm actually burning versus what MFP tells me I'm burning calorie-wise. I'm new to this healthy lifestyle so I'm pretty reliant on the exercise database currently and I just want to make sure I'm eating and burning by the books, so to speak.