Help Please!



  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    Hi There-

    @gomidas2007 - My caloric intake per day is 1380. I am generally spreading them out pretty evenly between lunch and dinner, but I'm not eating as much at breakfast. Could that be my problem?

    I would recommend trying to spread this out over 5-6 meals instead of only 3. When you only eat 3 meals per day you metabolism has a chance to slow down in between meals. This is not good if you're trying to burn fat. You need to keep your metabolism fast throughout the whole day. The faster your metabolism is working the more fat and energy you will burn. Maintaining a high metabolism is imperative to losing weight and keeping it off.

    Throw in some cardio for 20-30 minutes 3 times a week and you set!

    Hope this helps! I would love to help you more if you would like! Send me a friend request or message any time =)

    As a former personal trainer of 17 years, this is some very sound advise.

    You have also heard recommendations to use measurements and how your clothes fit as a guide to your progress. With the "little" amount you want to loose (15 lbs) this is excellent advise. DO NOT use the scale as the tell all when it comes to accessing your progress.

    I would also recommend a weight training circuit at least 3 times per week to help you tone and strengthen your body. Don't worry, you won't look like a man. Women do not have the hormones to make that happen naturally. As you increase your lean body mass, you increase your body's ability to burn fat (increased BMR and increased fat metabolism), which leads to a reduction in body fat. Lean body mass per cubic unit is approx 18% heavier than fat mass per same cubic unit.

    In laymen's terms, you increase muscle, decrease body fat, but your weight does not fall as you want it to. This is due to the increase in muscle tissue. Lean mass also includes bone, ligaments, and tendons. As one adds weight training to their program, these body tissue must become stronger and thicker to handle to increase in bio-mechanical load placed upon them.

    There are many benefits to adding weight training to your program. The best one for you is how it will accentuate your figure and make your future husband drop his jaw to the floor when he finally sees you in your wedding dress.

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions.