Anyone else looking to hit a goal by a big birthday?

Looking for partners and support for people in a similiar boat...I turned 39 yesterday and have made the committment to lose 40 pounds by my 40th birthday.

I have some great friends already, but need all of the help and support I can get!


  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i am but my 40th bday is this october...i still have about 30ish to lose BUT i am scheduling my tummy tuck for the 21st of september so i'm hoping with getting busy now and getting another 10-15 off before then once i'm "past" my surgery, i'll be even closer to my goal....BUT i have also already lost just under 80 so i'm pretty happy with where i'm at lol.....i'm here with you and we shall push each other forward towards our goals.....we can do it...
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I hadn't really thought about it but I like the idea! My b-day is in a couple weeks so if I think it would be great to set a goal for this next year of my life. As of this morning my scale said 182 so either I can aim to lose 32 lbs by my 32nd b-day or I can try to lose 42 to get me to 140 which was my original goal weight. I'll have to think about that. It is kind of depressing b/c I was hoping to have reached my goal by THIS b-day and I didn't even come close.
  • tabbiekaye23
    tabbiekaye23 Posts: 61 Member
    I want to lose 50lbs before my 30th birhtday which is in Dec. I know I can do it!!!!