The MORE in shape I get, the LESS motivation I have...

The more in shape I get, the less motivation I have to workout out *with intensity* and eat right. I've been having cravings for foods that I NEVER use to eat (or want) and I'm even to the point of justifying why I can have some -- Totally UNlike me!

In the past, I read about how you need to "get disturbed" with yourself/your body/your situation in order to change. I use to be "disturbed" (or unhappy) with my body and I was able to stay focused and determined in both my workouts and eating. Now that I'm feeling great again (still not completely satisfied, but I know I look good), I have significantly less motivation.

Any suggestions on how to combat this lack of motivation?


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes, me too. I have been at goal for 10 or so months now and really struggle to maintain it.
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    I have had issues with this the last few months too. I was so dedicated and motivated when I actually was working for that ultimate goal. I have to make new goals for myself to get motivated. I am signed up for a half marathon in October so that's my motivation right now. I have to keep up my schedule and training so I'm ready for that. Maybe that's an idea for you? Not a half marathon if that's not your thing but something to work towards.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Bump, this always happens to me. "I'm thin now so I can eat that huge dinner, drink beer and not work out"
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    This has been a huge problem for me too, everytime I near my goal weght (within 10-15 lbs) I just start slacking off and figure oh I don't need to work out today, ehhh fast food for dinner one time won't matter... and all of those excuses usually compound for me til I gain a bunch of weight. I need to stop that way of thinking so I can actually meet my goal weight,
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Pick a new goal besides weight loss. I'm currently trying to get better at pull ups and improve my leg strength. Do you have awesome ripped abs? Are your shoulders nice and shapely. Does your butt look as good as you want it to? Hitting your goal weight isn't the end all. Find a target and shoot for it because with no aim you'll always miss.
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I was going through that as well. I only have 10 pounds to go to finally reach my goal and the last couple of months I was like whatever, I may not look just the way I want but I am close enough LOL I finally told myself I had to stop thinking like that. I stopped doing my trusted staple workouts and started looking for new ones. That was a big part of the problem for me, I had lost that passion I had when I first started. I felt like I had been tracking and busting my rear for so long I just wanted it to stop. So I decied to change it up. Find a new workout and get my passion back. Now I am seeing the results again and feeling good again and have found that passion to just keep going. ONce I reach that orginal goal I set for myself 3 years ago I will find a new goal so that I have something to work for. And this may seem like a terrible thing to do to myself but when I hit a bad rut like this I tend to pull out my old pictures of what I used to look like and remember when I told myself never again, that usually makes me want to get up and do my workout pronto. :)
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    I am experiencing this as well. I never want to work out anymore and my eating has been getting worse. I combat this lack of motivation by doing fun things I want to do to work out. My favorite is going to SkyZone - the trampoline park, I have a blast and you can burn 1000 calories per hour. For food, my garden is producing quite a bit of organic produce, so that helps - but mainly I keep all bad food out of my house - since I have very little self control. Keep on fighting the fight, it does not take a lot to get re motivated.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    if you're having cravings for things you didn't want in the past could it be that you aren't eating enough? Your body is lacking something? I usuallly only get cravings around that time of the month.... and then I want to eat everything..... and I always want cake! haha - I never used to be a big cake person, but now I treat myself to cake when it's that time! always works out and because I eat great most of the time, I don't feel guilty about it anymore..... 80/20 rule! :)

    And what has kept me motivated is I feel like something is missing from my day if i don't work out. If I feel a little like I'm lacking motivation I just come up with some new goal.... to hit a certain weight in a certain strength training exercise.... to run a faster 5k.... anything to work towards.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    This sounds like normal to me. I think, for myself, I need to be challenged or working towards something to be happy. And no one is happy all the time, we all have our days or our weeks, months and years:laugh: But doing this fitness thing has made me happy for 99% of the last 2 months. I think true peace and contentment is an "inside" job though. Happiness comes and goes. Maybe some new challenge for you? How about filling up your Bucket List with more than just being healthy and looking good. Now start something new. I am starting to kayak. That will be fun, but it will wear out and I will need a new "thing" to learn or do. I want to go on a tour to Europe or some place exotic;) I may never get to go but sometimes just the dreaming of it is fun:)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
    The more in shape I get, the less motivation I have to workout out *with intensity* and eat right. I've been having cravings for foods that I NEVER use to eat (or want) and I'm even to the point of justifying why I can have some -- Totally UNlike me!

    In the past, I read about how you need to "get disturbed" with yourself/your body/your situation in order to change. I use to be "disturbed" (or unhappy) with my body and I was able to stay focused and determined in both my workouts and eating. Now that I'm feeling great again (still not completely satisfied, but I know I look good), I have significantly less motivation.

    Any suggestions on how to combat this lack of motivation?
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    "I'm thin now so I can eat that huge dinner, drink beer and not work out"

    And that will get you closer or further away from this?

  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Set new fitness goals... that's what keeps me going.
  • haferness3
    I completely understand! A few months ago I lost almost 10 pounds, was eating healthy, working out every day, but then I started to feel amazing and kind of let it slide. I ended up gaining it all back plus some. It was the worst feeling in the world. I'm so disappointed in myself, but now that is motivating me, because I don't want to feel like this anymore. Plus, I know I can be healthy and lose weight. You just have to remember what you felt like BEFORE you were healthy, that should help. Plus, find foods you know you love. I crave sweets like they're going out of style, but I've found that sugar free jello and pudding really help with that craving, as does light yogurt. yoplait and AE have great flavors that really help!
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    Pick a new goal besides weight loss. I'm currently trying to get better at pull ups and improve my leg strength. Do you have awesome ripped abs? Are your shoulders nice and shapely. Does your butt look as good as you want it to? Hitting your goal weight isn't the end all. Find a target and shoot for it because with no aim you'll always miss.

    Very good point! Thanks! I've tried to use more body-part-specific goals in the past. Maybe I could try that again.
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    This sounds like normal to me. I think, for myself, I need to be challenged or working towards something to be happy. And no one is happy all the time, we all have our days or our weeks, months and years:laugh: But doing this fitness thing has made me happy for 99% of the last 2 months. I think true peace and contentment is an "inside" job though. Happiness comes and goes. Maybe some new challenge for you? How about filling up your Bucket List with more than just being healthy and looking good. Now start something new. I am starting to kayak. That will be fun, but it will wear out and I will need a new "thing" to learn or do. I want to go on a tour to Europe or some place exotic;) I may never get to go but sometimes just the dreaming of it is fun:)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
    The more in shape I get, the less motivation I have to workout out *with intensity* and eat right. I've been having cravings for foods that I NEVER use to eat (or want) and I'm even to the point of justifying why I can have some -- Totally UNlike me!

    In the past, I read about how you need to "get disturbed" with yourself/your body/your situation in order to change. I use to be "disturbed" (or unhappy) with my body and I was able to stay focused and determined in both my workouts and eating. Now that I'm feeling great again (still not completely satisfied, but I know I look good), I have significantly less motivation.

    Any suggestions on how to combat this lack of motivation?

    Wise words : ) Happiness absolutely comes and goes! Part of my problem is that I need the reassurance that it's ok when the happiness goes away for a little bit. It'll be back... it always comes back : ) I DO need something new to spark that fire again...
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    if you're having cravings for things you didn't want in the past could it be that you aren't eating enough? Your body is lacking something? I usuallly only get cravings around that time of the month.... and then I want to eat everything..... and I always want cake! haha - I never used to be a big cake person, but now I treat myself to cake when it's that time! always works out and because I eat great most of the time, I don't feel guilty about it anymore..... 80/20 rule! :)

    And what has kept me motivated is I feel like something is missing from my day if i don't work out. If I feel a little like I'm lacking motivation I just come up with some new goal.... to hit a certain weight in a certain strength training exercise.... to run a faster 5k.... anything to work towards.

    LOL, so funny... that's what I was referring to -- CAKE!! :embarassed: I'm not the type of person that eats (or craves) cake, cupcakes, candybars, crap... but, for whatever reason, I want some cake! My biggest problem/fear is that whenever I "treat" myself I end up wanting it more and more often. I'm more of an "all or nothing" kind of girl. I don't do well with moderation.
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    I finished my first round of Insanity about 2.5 weeks ago. The results from Insanity were amazing, but I pretty much hated the last two weeks of Month 2. I was extremely dedicated and it paid off... and I could start over... but I'm currenlty doubting my commitment level right now...
  • curlygirly80
    curlygirly80 Posts: 176
    Bumping so I can read later. This is exactly how I feel since getting back from vacation!
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    I realized this week that I am in this same situation. I hit my original goal after 8 months of following the MFP suggested diet & exercize plan. Now I love the way I feel and look, so why try to go further? Well I keep telling myself I'd like myself stonger, more toned, and yes a bit thinner. Problem is I am having a hard time mustering up the motivation.....time to go take another pic in my bikini and see if the results look the way I feel. I hope that will help get me motivated to get back some of my original motivation.
  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    Do you have any photos of yourself heavier and less fit? If you do, post them around the house to reminder yourself that you don't want to go back to that. (Bathroom mirror, workout area, refrigerator)
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    I'm so with you on this, and I'm no where near my goals! I had just been unsuccessful for so long that the little success I finally had apparently went to my head. :ohwell: