My hip hurts when I run. Help!

I have been running/jogging a few miles a day for the past 4 months. About 3 weeks ago, my left hip started hurting when I would run. It got to the point where every time I stood up from sitting in a chair (which is quite often considering I work in an office) it would hurt really bad and cause me to limp for a few steps before the pain went away. It is ONLY in my left hip. I tried jogging yesterday and got to about .25 of a mile before I was noticably limping when I ran. I dont know if I pulled or strained something or if I need to stretch more. I really dont want to go to the doctor because I am afraid that I will need an MRI. Has anyone had this problem? If so, what did you do to fix it?

Running is really the only thing that has been getting me results and I would hate to have to give it up :(

Sad Face :(


  • nicolynn33
    nicolynn33 Posts: 17 Member
    And after trying that yesterday, I am limping pretty bad this morning.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I did the same thing last fall on my right side. Not sure if I pulled a muscle or what, but it also hurt like Hades when I would stand up after sitting for a while.

    Google hip stretches using a foam roller. They are not pleasant to do, but can help. I also stopped running for a couple of weeks (walking only, at an incline) and also did the recumbent bike. Not as much satisfaction as running, but you need to let your hip heal.
  • - You shouldn't be running every day - if you're a beginner (like me :D) I've beena dvised that 2-3 times a week is ok, then go up to 4-5 once you feel comfortable with it. Do somehting else on the off days - I go for a brisk walk, and do some weights.

    - Make sure your running technique is good, and that you're wearing the right shoes.

    - If you want, maybe go and see your doctor and ask about it, or go to a specialist store where they can assess your running style and see if you need special shoes to correct problems (my boyfriend has a thing where he puts too much weight on the outer edge of his foot when running so he has to have specially designed shoes or it damages his legs)

    My main advice would be STOP for now until you know what's causing it, carry on could just cause permanent damage!
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    Mine was doing the exact same thing! Spoke to a physical therapist and apparently I was taking uneven strides while running. Worked on evening them up and some le strength training for stability and I'm good now!
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    nicolynn, I would encourage you to see your doctor. I know you don't want an MRI, but that's usually not the first thing they do. And you can always say NO to that. You do need to find out what's causing it and if you have injured it, your best bet is a professional to help you fix it.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    ok, hip pain has happened to me.

    I had an MRI and they found a labral tear in my hip cartilage. Easy fix with steroid shot. Supposedly that will create scar tissue and the tear will repair itself. My ortho said that it could come back, though. If it does, then they will either reinject or consider a minor surgical procedure (if the tear is worse).

    I always chalked it up as bursitis or something. I let it go on for 5 years. It's worth getting it checked out, even if for a pain shot. Cortisone is your friend...:)
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    May be bursitis?

    I used to have this problem on long hikes, and that's what Dr. Google seemed to think it was. I think the suggestions were ibuprofen and taking it easy for a bit.
    Thankfully, it hasn't bothered me in a while.
  • nicolynn33
    nicolynn33 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will try resting and the stretches, but I think it may be a good idea to give my doctor a call also!
  • dawnhart77
    dawnhart77 Posts: 52 Member
    I also had the same problem with my hip. And I love to run as well. I found out it was my shoes! After checking with your doctor, I would recommend finding a specialized running company in your area and have them check your gait and stride. You might be stepping wrong and causing the pain. I found out I didn't have enough support in my heels and was over compensating for it by stepping funny. I didn't even know it.

    I'm now training for a 1/2 marathon so it was so worth the extra time I took to have a doctor check it out and to find the right shoe!

    Good Luck!
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    BUMP! I have the same problem
  • fieryred0424
    fieryred0424 Posts: 48 Member
    I had this and it was sacroilliac joint pain. I went to a chiropractor and got lined out and I haven't really had any pain since then. But Ice 5-6 times a day for around 20 minutes each time, aleve, and stretches helped keep the inflamation down and then muscles around the joint loose.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I have that problem, I'm not a runner but a hiker. Go to the doctor, they won't do an MRI right away. Mine turned out to be caused by my lower back muscles being so tight (I sit at a desk all day too!). I did some physical therapy which did wonders on my back, which in turn fixed my hip pain :-) Now my hips only hurt when my hip flexors are stiff (again I sit all day) so I constantly have to work on getting those stretched out. Don't continue running while you're in pain, you will end up doing damage. I eventually had to have steroid shots in my hip because the inflammation got so bad and the doctor said if I continued hiking like that I would have ended up tearing something. Good luck and I hope you heal quickly!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    first, you should stop running for a week or so, to start the healing process. secondly, like someone else said, you shouldn't be running every day. try running 3-4 times a week max.

    are you warming up properly before running? try this warm up here:
    Here is this warm up written out:

    2-3 minutes of jump rope (who cares if you mess up, push yourself!)
    50 jumping jacks (pull your shoulder blades back, extend arms and really focus on the movement)
    20 body weight squats
    5 lunges (each leg)
    10 hip extensions
    5 hip rotations each leg (like you’re stepping over a fence)
    10 forward leg swings (each leg)
    10 side leg swings (each leg)
    10-20 push ups (scale based on your level of fitness)
    10 spiderman steps (each leg)
  • ddecarr
    ddecarr Posts: 103 Member
    I had the same thing and I've been running for 1-1/2 yrs now. I believe it was caused by the crown of the road believe it or not. Running on the shoulder where the crown is most pronounced means my left leg has a deeper stride than my right by quite a bit. It was causing me foot and hip pains. When there is no oncoming traffic i run more in the lane where its closer to flatter. The problems have eased considerably!
  • MomGraz
    MomGraz Posts: 23 Member
    I went to my doctor with the same thing, right hip. Given the location it did not sound like any kind of fracture or bursitis, so she sent me to a physical therapist who said my left leg is about 1/4 inch shorter than the other, so that I may be overcompensating on the right side when I run. He suggested getting a lift for my left shoe. I haven't tried this yet, but you may find that you have the same issue. You probably want to get a full gait analysis and PT work-up, as others have suggested.

    Keep us posted--I'd be very interested in hearing what you find out!
  • StarIsMoving
    StarIsMoving Posts: 437
    Thanks everyone! I will try resting and the stretches, but I think it may be a good idea to give my doctor a call also!

    I have RA in my hip. With the right shoes I started running without issue, until after a length of time. Now I can only run every other day and have learned that stretches and ice are my friend. I use ice only because mine is due to inflammation
  • shmiracles
    shmiracles Posts: 105 Member
    my left hip hurt when i was a beginner runner. for maybe the first 6 months. my sister's left hip hurt when she was a beginner runner too.
    and once i got stronger the pain just went away.
    the same goes for my sister.

    i know it might not be your situation, and maybe a doctor's opinion would be best, but you sound a little like the pain isn't see-a-doctor bad yet.

    first i would say you should definitely only run every other day. DEFINITELY. like serious.
    and foam rolling is always a great idea.

    i will agree with some of the others,
    my left hip hurt because of my form/uneven strides also. my left hip is MUCH less flexible than my right. it causes a small hard to see bit of torque, but when you are doing a repetitive movement such as running, all these little things add up fast. so as i got stronger i didn't compensate in my form as much. pain disappeared :)

    good luck to you!! keep up the good work!!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I ended up over doing it and got a stress fracture in my right hip last year (did 2- 5K back to back days after alot of prep training leading up to them and that stress fracture laid me up for 2 months. Nothing I could do but my stretching exercises and rest, it finally healed up and I am an AVID stretcher now light stretching before exercise but extensive afterwards and it has made a world of difference... Best of Luck...
  • MamaJilldo
    MamaJilldo Posts: 63 Member
    Yes, it might be your SI joint, espeicially if you're having trouble going from sitting to standing (a red flag). So ask yourself if your pain is in the outside, front or more towards the inside where it connects to your lower back (as if you can't rub it). Might want to see a chirporactor or spine specialist. Do SI joint stretches before and after running and see if this helps, but deifnitely rest it for a few days and ice.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I have been running/jogging a few miles a day for the past 4 months. About 3 weeks ago, my left hip started hurting when I would run. It got to the point where every time I stood up from sitting in a chair (which is quite often considering I work in an office) it would hurt really bad and cause me to limp for a few steps before the pain went away. It is ONLY in my left hip. I tried jogging yesterday and got to about .25 of a mile before I was noticably limping when I ran. I dont know if I pulled or strained something or if I need to stretch more. I really dont want to go to the doctor because I am afraid that I will need an MRI. Has anyone had this problem? If so, what did you do to fix it?

    Running is really the only thing that has been getting me results and I would hate to have to give it up :(

    Sad Face :(

    I experienced the same symptoms following my 4 mile run last Wednesday. My chiropractor took X-Rays and told me it was sciatica. I've been walking and doing stretches until it eases up. I know what you mean about running. It's my passion and I hate not being able to do it. Good luck!