The Secret ------- Debunked!



  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    I couldn't agree more!!!!!!
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    I could not agree more!!!!!!!!!! ( Not sure why it put it as a reply lol)

    I noticed the same trend. No matter how diligent I was about sticking to my calorie intake and eating all the "right" foods, the scale moved ever so slowly. Ramp up the fluids and the weight shed more quickly!

    Whatever the reason and whether or not there really is a cause & effect relationship, I know that I always feel loads better when I'm hydrated. Helps with cravings, too.
  • SlimSammy2012
    Just thought of a Question....What about Sweating out the water we ingest? do we know how much is needed to replenish? Should I add to the 2X my body weight?
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Nope the orginal formula is calcuating loss from sweat from working out (Aprox. 2 hours at the gym)

    Just thought of a Question....What about Sweating out the water we ingest? do we know how much is needed to replenish? Should I add to the 2X my body weight?
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292

    But that's what the OP said. He said eating right and exercising are important, but you also have to have water.

    mea culpa, I must have mis-read that part. Sorry OP!!!!
  • NoSpandex
    NoSpandex Posts: 54
    Common sense and all things in moderation. If you are thirsty, drink. If not, don't. Drinking more water than your body needs is harmful
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    Just thought of a Question....What about Sweating out the water we ingest? do we know how much is needed to replenish? Should I add to the 2X my body weight?

    I am a huge sweater and I sweat like a stuck pig. Before I do exercises or work outside in the yard, etc I generally weigh myself before and then after. Whatever is lost, I then drink it back.

    It's probably a bit extreme for most people, but it's not uncommon for me to sweat off 6 lbs working outside on a Saturday (I live in Tx). With that kind of fluid loss, if I don't replace it quickly, my body will go out of whack for days.
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Very true water aphixation can be very dangereous that is why I metioned don't drink it all at the same time lol. However most Americans do not drink enough water even if they look healthy and fit so drinking when we are thirsty only has been proven for years not work. Its just like our diets, we have to work on them and track our results!!!!!!!!

    Common sense and all things in moderation. If you are thirsty, drink. If not, don't. Drinking more water than your body needs is harmful
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    This is good advice and worth a try. Anything that makes losing weight easier is worth trying! I don't know why some people are so negative on here. Thanks for the advice :)
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Was just thinking the exact same thing yesterday so your post is right on time. Thanks for taking the time :)
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks!!!!!!!!! I don't mind getting feedback from folks but it does get aggravating when people try to say something negitive and have lost like 9 lbs. or something like that.........I think I have something of value to say that I have been through personally so hopefully it helps someone out there.

    This is good advice and worth a try. Anything that makes losing weight easier is worth trying! I don't know why some people are so negative on here. Thanks for the advice :)
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Common sense and all things in moderation. If you are thirsty, drink. If not, don't. Drinking more water than your body needs is harmful

    The person in that article drank 2 gallons of water (it doesn't say in what time period). I don't remember the OP suggesting that.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I dont disagree with you assessment for YOU, but it doesn't go for everyone. Some days I rarely drink any water...I get it from other beverages or my food and I am having no problem losing weight. I do drink it when working out to replace what I sweat but I don't push myself to drink unless I am thirsty. It works for me. Others MMV.

    There is no secret except for the one that eludes YOU till you discover it. :)
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Common sense and all things in moderation. If you are thirsty, drink. If not, don't. Drinking more water than your body needs is harmful

    I started reading this and hoped someone brought this up.

    Just goes to show you too much of anything can be bad for you. Remember the woman who died of water intoxication in a competition to win a Wii?
  • NoSpandex
    NoSpandex Posts: 54
    Very true water aphixation can be very dangereous that is why I metioned don't drink it all at the same time lol. However most Americans do not drink enough water even if they look healthy and fit so drinking when we are thirsty only has been proven for years not work. Its just like our diets, we have to work on them and track our results!!!!!!!!

    Common sense and all things in moderation. If you are thirsty, drink. If not, don't. Drinking more water than your body needs is harmful

    The water consumption does not have to happen quickly. Any time you (even slowly) give your body more water than it needs you are doing harm. Only people with chronic dehydration issues are unable to recognize when their bodies are thirsty. These are typically people with extreme health problems and the elderly. As Dr. Kim says:

    "Whenever you disregard your sense of thirst and strive to ingest several glasses of water a day just because you have been told that doing so is good for your health, you actually put unnecessary strain on your body in two major ways:

    Ingesting more water than you need can increase your total blood volume. And since your blood volume exists within a closed system (your circulatory system), needlessly increasing your blood volume on a regular basis puts unnecessary burden on your heart and blood vessels.

    Your kidneys must work overtime to filter excess water out of your circulatory system. Your kidneys are not the equivalent of a pair of plumbing pipes whereby the more water you flush through your kidneys, the cleaner they become; rather, the filtration system that exists in your kidneys is composed in part by a series of specialized capillary beds called glomeruli. Your glomeruli can get damaged by unnecessary wear and tear over time, and drowning your system with large amounts of water is one of many potential causes of said damage.

    Putting unnecessary burden on your cardiovascular system and your kidneys by ingesting unnecessary water is a subtle process. For the average person, it is virtually impossible to know that this burden exists, as there are usually no obvious symptoms on a moment-to-moment basis. But make no mistake about it: this burden is real and can hurt your health over the long term."
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    The amounts are in the formula for proper hydration. 130 ounces is right for me it would not be right for you since you are smaller. Take your weight and divide it by 2 and that is the a good guidline for YOUR proper hydration. The standard is 64 Ounces of water but agian that is not right for everyone either.

    I dont disagree with you assessment for YOU, but it doesn't go for everyone. Some days I rarely drink any water...I get it from other beverages or my food and I am having no problem losing weight. I do drink it when working out to replace what I sweat but I don't push myself to drink unless I am thirsty. It works for me. Others MMV.

    There is no secret except for the one that eludes YOU till you discover it. :)
  • SlimSammy2012
    Nope the orginal formula is calcuating loss from sweat from working out (Aprox. 2 hours at the gym)

    Just thought of a Question....What about Sweating out the water we ingest? do we know how much is needed to replenish? Should I add to the 2X my body weight?

    Thanks! Excuse me, I have to pee!
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Water is important, but to lose weight one needs to eat right, exercise more.
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    I will have to try increasing my water intake thanks for sharing.
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Not to get in a medical battle with you but most Americans do not drink enough water and overweight people tend to confuse being thisty to being hungry.
    So just to be clear what this is saying.................everyday hydrate properly and use good sense :)

    Also not to be an *kitten* but anyone can go on the internet and quote someone elses thoughts in a forum setting. Maybe if you to less of this and more doing what needs to be done then you could bring more value to future forums.

    Sorry for seeming like an *kitten* but I hate it when people take you off the topic at hand and get the subject on something that wasnt discussed.

    Very true water aphixation can be very dangereous that is why I metioned don't drink it all at the same time lol. However most Americans do not drink enough water even if they look healthy and fit so drinking when we are thirsty only has been proven for years not work. Its just like our diets, we have to work on them and track our results!!!!!!!!

    Common sense and all things in moderation. If you are thirsty, drink. If not, don't. Drinking more water than your body needs is harmful

    The water consumption does not have to happen quickly. Any time you (even slowly) give your body more water than it needs you are doing harm. Only people with chronic dehydration issues are unable to recognize when their bodies are thirsty. These are typically people with extreme health problems and the elderly. As Dr. Kim says:

    "Whenever you disregard your sense of thirst and strive to ingest several glasses of water a day just because you have been told that doing so is good for your health, you actually put unnecessary strain on your body in two major ways:

    Ingesting more water than you need can increase your total blood volume. And since your blood volume exists within a closed system (your circulatory system), needlessly increasing your blood volume on a regular basis puts unnecessary burden on your heart and blood vessels.

    Your kidneys must work overtime to filter excess water out of your circulatory system. Your kidneys are not the equivalent of a pair of plumbing pipes whereby the more water you flush through your kidneys, the cleaner they become; rather, the filtration system that exists in your kidneys is composed in part by a series of specialized capillary beds called glomeruli. Your glomeruli can get damaged by unnecessary wear and tear over time, and drowning your system with large amounts of water is one of many potential causes of said damage.

    Putting unnecessary burden on your cardiovascular system and your kidneys by ingesting unnecessary water is a subtle process. For the average person, it is virtually impossible to know that this burden exists, as there are usually no obvious symptoms on a moment-to-moment basis. But make no mistake about it: this burden is real and can hurt your health over the long term."