Cardio/Treadmill = Extreme Muscle PAIN! ... Helpppp!!

Ok, so i'm beyond frustrated & hoping someone has the answer to my problem! =*( I am 27 years old, 5'6, and weigh 172lbs....In order to lose some extra weight, I have been eating healthy & working out daily the past 2 weeks.

The first week at the gym, I made each day consist of 1 mile on the elliptical (as a warm up) and 4 on the treadmill. (Also on the side I am doing weight training for my arms/many stomach crunches as well) I did this daily, except one day instead I took a 15 mile bike ride and then took one day off in between to rest.

I couldn't explain the EXTREME PAIN/weakness that my calves felt each day this week ... It felt like shattered glass was going into my lower legs. Thinking that this was normal since I haven't worked out in years, I continued to slowly work out each and every day to stretch the muscle, hoping it would help. I also took advil/motrin daily to try to manage the pain.

I am on my second/third week of working out with the same regimen ....and still, most of my workouts consist of moments where I cant seem to run without my lower legs feeling like shatter glass is going through them. Its beyond painful and kills the thought of trying to run consistently on the treadmill.

As a better understanding, if I were to work out 10 days in a row, at least 7 of the 10 work outs would make me suffer with this extreme shatter glass calf feeling....Of the past two weeks, I could only say that I had about 3-4 good runs where the pain didnt stop me from running.

I have tried many things hoping it would make the pain/soreness go away such as:
*stretching before, during, and after every excise workout.
* drinking protein shakes/making high protein meals immediately AFTER each workout
*working out at different times of the day, (morning, mid-day, night) thinking that maybe this made a difference ......

I haven't tried eating protein BEFORE working out nor have I tried taking any supplements.....but I will be trying these tomorrow hoping they will work.

Does anyone have any idea of what I could possibly do in order to make my calves not have this burning sensation when i'm jogging on the treadmill so i could actually run? Tips/tricks/ideas would be greatly appreciated for I beyond frustrated and feeling like I'm never going to be able to run a solid mile without my calves on fire.

Thanks! <3


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Sounds like shin splints or poor arch support.. had the issue when I played football.. just a guess though but sounds just like it.. do some googling might need better shoes/supports
  • xfalnainjelx
    xfalnainjelx Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for your thoughts - I thought that too after day one and invested in a new pair of running shoes from Under Armour for $100 .... but never helped the following days.

    I asked some personal trainers as well and they said it could be shin splints since I went from not working out to such an intense 5 mile ran/jog within the first 2 weeks of working out ...

    I just wish this problem lasted only for a matter of days or a week ...but not carrying out for the past 2/3 weeks .... It is almost making me want to stop the treadmill and its the one machine i feel a good burn from too :(
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    You may need to try those dr scholl's inserts where you get your feet tested by those machines and get your own foot outline insert.. those might help..
    Also for a good burn try the stair master, I know its lame but doing 3-5 miles at an elevated pace is a really good workout and probably won't cause the pain as your reducing the impact