Team UK October:

Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Am i allowed to start this post? lol I am sitting at work bored so i thought hey why not everyone will latch on. And if not. Sorry CurvyKatie i stole you role delete me and start again lol.

Still in the same boat. 12st 3 so hopeless i feel but never mind they say for the winter just try to keep it off and lose it again next summer. well i think sod that i'm gonna keep trying for 12st this month.

I feel more toned anyways so maybe its that imaginary muslce that everyones talking about lol.

Good luck everyone else.:smile:


  • Thanks for your post - looking at your pics, you seem to be doing really well!! Keep it up!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Well I never made the 12st either, so that is my aim to reach 12st and not put any on!

    Can anyone recommend any exercises to work on the abs? I do 30 situps on the swiss ball and 30 pull up (laying on tummy on the ball and pulling shoulders up towards the ceiling!) every other day, but can't seem to shift the bulge!!
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    I want some more ab exercises too!

    Ben, you look toned in your picture, it's not imaginary!

    I've put on a couple of pounds since I got back from Ibiza and got over my flu, and I don't like it. My aim in October is to get back to the way I looked as ill Amy, but achieve that in a much healthier way! :smile:

    Also, has anyone started thinking about Halloween yet? My friends have decided they want to go as the Wizard of Oz and I've to be Dorothy.

    Amy x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Hope your all ok? Ben you look awesome! Keep up the good work!

    I have not been to the gym for nearly 5 weeks and i SUCKS! I had missed the week before i went on holiday, then i was away for a week, since getting back from Crete i have been in the same boat as Amy.. ILL!!! :sick: So i have not had the energy or motivation to do any exercise whatsoever! :grumble:
    Anywhoo i see this month as my Kick Start in getting back on the waggon! i really want to shift that lb or 2 that i have put on around my tummy/*kitten* region! :laugh:

    Amy, im not celebrating halloween this year as its my friends 21st, so she has booked a couple of rooms at a Mayfair hotel in London! How exciting! Need to get fit for that as it is the last day of the month! I would ideally like to loose 3lbs by the end of the month!:drinker:

    YEY the weekend is here so im going to have my final "blow out" before i start getting serious again!

    Love x
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Thanks people. so after two days in october i finally move to 12st 2 exactly. I suppose my goal this month is going to definately be 11st 13 again.

    It must be the start of C25K i feel loads better outside running than inside exercising I just hope the weather hold for another 7 weeks so i can finish it lol.

    Amy- hope you're feeling better now and definately losing weight through healthier means is definately better, you lokk amazing anways.

    Kp- hope you feel better too. and a night out in a mayfair hotel?! in monopoly terms i take it that means a plush room in an expensive london hotel lol. hope you have a good time.

    Mumsanutter- don't get me started on ab exercises i do loads of crunches but every website says you won't see them unless you lose fat which means more cardio woop woop! I read somewhere to get abs to show you need low low body fat (10% men 14% women) mine is a shocking 21.3% today so im just going for a flat stomach lol.
    10 pounds to go i hope.
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Hi All

    Hope everyones well.

    I had the first bad week since i started back in July but didnt over eat which was a plus i guess.
    No excersise for me since last friday feels really bad, though it is only 7 days. How far i have come to think like that. Anyway going to get through this weekend and go hard for the whole of October.

    It scares me to get back n the scales at the moment. If it says 12stone still will be happy.

    My goal for october is 160 lbs as the final weight. be a good 8lbs off if i can get there.

    Katherine you seem to be as bad as me this week, we arange a run then both bottle it. lol
    we will have try again next week.

    Keep it up people we are all getting there

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Im glad someones on the ball lol

    It was my 21st on the 30th of sept so i really didnt want to do anything on the 1st so thank you for setting up the group

    my goal weight for this month is again 145lbs which i WILL get to this time! (i know i say this every month but this time i'll do it!)
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member

    It was my 21st on the 30th of sept so i really didnt want to do anything on the 1st so thank you for setting up the group

    no probs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. hope you had a good night. I had a great 21st on mine.
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thought it was about time I kicked my as into gear again! I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago, and put on some of the weight I lost! (booo) But I am going TRAVELING in December and I thought that would be a good goal, as I would like to be thinner and fitter for my travels :) DOnt want to be feeling fat and ming when I am suppost to be doing the best thing ever haha

    Hope everyone else has been doing well while I have been SLACKING!! I miss the support and motivation this place gives you. New start this weekend!!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    A belated happy birthday to you Katie. Hope you had a good one?

    morning all, well since my last post which was full of negative thoughts, i got on the scales this morning and was extreamly shocked. 11stone 8lbs didnt see that one coming after the 2 weeks i have had. because of this i have changed my goal for the month being only 2lbs away from it now. i'm going for the big push to 11 stone. It will be tough but i've done 8lbs in 4 weeks before.

    Anyway all enjoy your sunday, i'm going to watch an afternoon of football hopefully ending in chelsea beating liverpool. come on you blue

  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Im glad someones on the ball lol

    It was my 21st on the 30th of sept so i really didnt want to do anything on the 1st so thank you for setting up the group

    my goal weight for this month is again 145lbs which i WILL get to this time! (i know i say this every month but this time i'll do it!)

    Ahh Katie I missed this post! Happy Birthday for the 30th :) Did you get upto anything special? I remember I just got ridiculously drunk at uni for mine haha xxx
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!! Half way through a rainy monday :angry:
    Oh well, at least it will give me some motivation to go work out in the gym tonight!

    JAMES - Good morning! Thanks again for calling last night, good to chat.. now for that run on thursday (weather permitting of course) :laugh:

    Katie - Happy 21st hun! Hope you had a good one! Im planning mine now! Hope its a gooden!

    Simplicity - Looking good atm, keep up the amazing work!! :drinker:

    So its back to the gym (wooooohoooo) tonight for the first time in 5weeks! :noway: lol! not going to push myself too hard and burn out but im gonna give it a good go!

    :heart: Katherine
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Good afternoon everyone!! Half way through a rainy monday :angry:
    Oh well, at least it will give me some motivation to go work out in the gym tonight!

    JAMES - Good morning! Thanks again for calling last night, good to chat.. now for that run on thursday (weather permitting of course) :laugh:

    Katie - Happy 21st hun! Hope you had a good one! Im planning mine now! Hope its a gooden!

    Simplicity - Looking good atm, keep up the amazing work!! :drinker:

    So its back to the gym (wooooohoooo) tonight for the first time in 5weeks! :noway: lol! not going to push myself too hard and burn out but im gonna give it a good go!

    :heart: Katherine

    Good afternoon young lady.
    Yeah was good taling to you last night appolagies if i waffled on a bit lol
    Yeah defo looks like weather depending after today, maybe we should just go and meet for a *kitten* like i suggestive.

    You go for it at the gym tonight, glade my phone call got you off your *kitten* and motivated you enough to get you there. :laugh:

    I'll update my food diary for you today so you can keep stalking me. x

    Catch you soon x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning!
    Lol.. dont worry you didnt waffle on at all.. its quite refreshing actually to have someone wanting to talk!
    Another miserable day so me n my collegue are knocking the run today on its head! Going to go to Aerobics instead :smile: something different!

    Last nights gym effort was a gooden! Proud i actually made it there! Heh.. needless to say it was HARD work! I was ready to collaps after 10 mins of uphill climbing on the spinning bike :laugh: but i carried on pushing!

    ha ha... *kitten* and a chat under the subway underpass! :smokin: splendid! Ill be there with bells on!

    I will stalk away! Dont you worry!

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Good morning!
    Lol.. dont worry you didnt waffle on at all.. its quite refreshing actually to have someone wanting to talk!
    Another miserable day so me n my collegue are knocking the run today on its head! Going to go to Aerobics instead :smile: something different!

    Last nights gym effort was a gooden! Proud i actually made it there! Heh.. needless to say it was HARD work! I was ready to collaps after 10 mins of uphill climbing on the spinning bike :laugh: but i carried on pushing!

    ha ha... *kitten* and a chat under the subway underpass! :smokin: splendid! Ill be there with bells on!

    I will stalk away! Dont you worry!


    Good Girl, proud of you.

    With bells on you say, now that i have to see.:laugh:

    Your messages never fail to make me smile, exactley what i need after a day at work.
    Guess i should stalk you back then. seeing as i have a few hours to kill before the gym tonight. need to get one more session in before that run thursday.

    How was your day? x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning!
    Lol.. dont worry you didnt waffle on at all.. its quite refreshing actually to have someone wanting to talk!
    Another miserable day so me n my collegue are knocking the run today on its head! Going to go to Aerobics instead :smile: something different!

    Last nights gym effort was a gooden! Proud i actually made it there! Heh.. needless to say it was HARD work! I was ready to collaps after 10 mins of uphill climbing on the spinning bike :laugh: but i carried on pushing!

    ha ha... *kitten* and a chat under the subway underpass! :smokin: splendid! Ill be there with bells on!

    I will stalk away! Dont you worry!


    Good Girl, proud of you.

    With bells on you say, now that i have to see.:laugh:

    Your messages never fail to make me smile, exactley what i need after a day at work.
    Guess i should stalk you back then. seeing as i have a few hours to kill before the gym tonight. need to get one more session in before that run thursday.

    How was your day? x

    Hidy Hiiii!!

    Ahhwww thanks! I tried my hardest... still dont know whether i should go to lbt or not... If i do i should book it now n i will definately go! mm... Ill call now!
    Boooked!! Wooeeeyyy :laugh:

    James i've been killing waaay to much time at work today! This website is my new addiction i swear! lol... mmmm time for a *kitten* break!
    Apart from that my day is going well :bigsmile:
    Gym... anything else tonight?

    K x
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Good morning!
    Lol.. dont worry you didnt waffle on at all.. its quite refreshing actually to have someone wanting to talk!
    Another miserable day so me n my collegue are knocking the run today on its head! Going to go to Aerobics instead :smile: something different!

    Last nights gym effort was a gooden! Proud i actually made it there! Heh.. needless to say it was HARD work! I was ready to collaps after 10 mins of uphill climbing on the spinning bike :laugh: but i carried on pushing!

    ha ha... *kitten* and a chat under the subway underpass! :smokin: splendid! Ill be there with bells on!

    I will stalk away! Dont you worry!


    Good Girl, proud of you.

    With bells on you say, now that i have to see.:laugh:

    Your messages never fail to make me smile, exactley what i need after a day at work.
    Guess i should stalk you back then. seeing as i have a few hours to kill before the gym tonight. need to get one more session in before that run thursday.

    How was your day? x

    Hidy Hiiii!!

    Ahhwww thanks! I tried my hardest... still dont know whether i should go to lbt or not... If i do i should book it now n i will definately go! mm... Ill call now!
    Boooked!! Wooeeeyyy :laugh:

    James i've been killing waaay to much time at work today! This website is my new addiction i swear! lol... mmmm time for a *kitten* break!
    Apart from that my day is going well :bigsmile:
    Gym... anything else tonight?

    K x

    well had an early finish today so went got me hair cut and caught up on a few things i needed to do( all bills unfortunatley) and now just the gym so if you get bored give me a buzz hunni.
    Oh also just cooked a chilli con carne for me and my sister as the rents are away. so looking forward to that after my work out.

    Thats right i can cook as well lol ,I'll be a good catch one day for some lucky lady :laugh:

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    *dancing round the front room*
    12st.00 woo yeah. happy days though its the first time this week i have weighed it. I'm definately going for 11st 12 this month now though. But I'm back to roughly where i was when i quit ciggs!:happy:

    And James how'd you get down to 11.8 I'm jealous man! good luck on the last 8. :smile:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    *dancing round the front room*
    12st.00 woo yeah. happy days though its the first time this week i have weighed it. I'm definately going for 11st 12 this month now though. But I'm back to roughly where i was when i quit ciggs!:happy:

    And James how'd you get down to 11.8 I'm jealous man! good luck on the last 8. :smile:

    cheers mate, i really dont know how i did it, its dropping off at the moment. which is so good, i put in alot of hard work the last few months so really great that even on bad weeks my metabolism is working at its max.

    Really well done mate you done so well, looking at that pic the ladies must be flocking lol

    this 8lbs will be so hard but if i can do that i will be so close and thats spuring me on. just over 10 weeks to go. no doubt i'll reasses after xmas and be aiming to tone up then.

    Anyway its great to see so many people getting closer and closer. GO TEAM UK

  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    well done to everyone.

    I weighed myself this morning and have reached 12st - 168lbs. I am so happy and I have for the first time I can remember brought a ladies belt in next a size medium / 12-14 :tongue: . The last belt I brought in February was a mens belt measuring 42inches!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
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