Meal replacement shakes? good or bad?



  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I've tried the meal replacement shakes so many times, Slim Fast, Special K, Herbalife, even homemade, and they always worked great for a few weeks until I couldn't stand the feeling of that texture anymore. I missed my food!

    So now I just make a smoothie if I'm in a hurry and can't get a real meal in, or for post-workout. Now when I make one, though, I just make my own. Greek yogurt, almond milk, various fruits, sometimes a tablespoon of peanut butter or some cocoa powder. If I'm in the mood for a treat I add a bit of sugar free, fat free pudding mix and it gives it a yummy thick, pudding taste to it.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I've tried the meal replacement shakes so many times, Slim Fast, Special K, Herbalife, even homemade, and they always worked great for a few weeks until I couldn't stand the feeling of that texture anymore. I missed my food!

    So now I just make a smoothie if I'm in a hurry and can't get a real meal in, or for post-workout. Now when I make one, though, I just make my own. Greek yogurt, almond milk, various fruits, sometimes a tablespoon of peanut butter or some cocoa powder. If I'm in the mood for a treat I add a bit of sugar free, fat free pudding mix and it gives it a yummy thick, pudding taste to it.

    OOOHH YUMM! I love pudding! (And I do buy the sugar free already! lol)
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I feel hungry as soon as I am done with a meal replacement shake. I need texture. I need to chew. Although I was actually at a Costa rican restaurant and had this amazing oatmeal shake. WOW! SO YUMMY. I actually ordered it before my meal and couldn't eat my darn food when they brought it to me. Had to pack up my food for later. First time a shake staved off my hunger.

    At a coffe shop I had a oatmeal latte- sounds weird I know but it was delish!(not a meal replacement shake but it ended up working like one!) and bough a bagel to go with it. Well, again, I couldn't eat after finishing my drink.

    So not a fan of meal replacement shakes...although if it has something chewy added to it, it works for me. Might be gross for some people though.
  • malymal1027
    malymal1027 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes they are and I will take them for the rest of my life...