Smoking HOT!!!

Does having a healthy body mean a flat stomach and lean legs? I don't think soooo!!! I found out that I can run longer at roughly 199 lbs than a friend of mine who is 145 lbs and ,claims to be athletic, gets exhausted after 2 steps.......(I'm being a little exaggerated).........I would LOVE a smoking hot body but being healthy is more important than that.....Although my husband (who is 5'10" and 130 lbs) loves me just the way that I am and thinks I'm smoking hot and that's all that should matter....I have the greatest husband in the world and he wants me to achieve my dreams and goals........I'm still working on my goals that may take me till next year but I will get there.


  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Does having a healthy body mean a flat stomach and lean legs? I don't think soooo!!! .........I would LOVE a smoking hot body but being healthy is more important than that....
    The two items mentioned are not mutually exclusive. Go look at any Olympic athlete. They train for performance and it just so happens that it makes them look phenomenal. Looks don't win gold medals but is it a coincidence that they all look great? Just work on being healthy as you can and you'll get the look you want. Don't justify your current conditioning by saying that it won't make you healthier to lose weight and have a flatter stomach. Your waist size has a direct correlation with your overall health and risk for disease.
    I found out that I can run longer at roughly 199 lbs than a friend of mine who is 145 lbs and ,claims to be athletic, gets exhausted after 2 steps.......(I'm being a little exaggerated)
    Your friend is probably has terrible cardio/pulmonary conditioning and most likely isn't the best measuring stick to see your progress. Stop comparing yourself to others. Are you the best you that you can be? If not then work on improving yourself.
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    Does having a healthy body mean a flat stomach and lean legs? I don't think soooo!!! .........I would LOVE a smoking hot body but being healthy is more important than that....
    The two items mentioned are not mutually exclusive. Go look at any Olympic athlete. They train for performance and it just so happens that it makes them look phenomenal. Looks don't win gold medals but is it a coincidence that they all look great? Just work on being healthy as you can and you'll get the look you want. Don't justify your current conditioning by saying that it won't make you healthier to lose weight and have a flatter stomach. Your waist size has a direct correlation with your overall health and risk for disease.

    I found out that I can run longer at roughly 199 lbs than a friend of mine who is 145 lbs and ,claims to be athletic, gets exhausted after 2 steps.......(I'm being a little exaggerated)
    Your friend is probably has terrible cardio/pulmonary conditioning and most likely isn't the best measuring stick to see your progress. Stop comparing yourself to others. Are you the best you that you can be? If not then work on improving yourself.

    So basically if I'm 199 lbs I'm unhealthy even though I do what I can and eat everything as healthy as possible???
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    So basically if I'm 199 lbs I'm unhealthy even though I do what I can so far to lose this weight?

    I never said that. I said that you shouldn't compare yourself to others and use them as a measuring stick for your health status. You're probably in much better shape than your friend but unless he's the gold standard I wouldn't rest at knowing you could outrun him.
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    So basically if I'm 199 lbs I'm unhealthy even though I do what I can so far to lose this weight?

    I never said that. I said that you shouldn't compare yourself to others and use them as a measuring stick for your health status. You're probably in much better shape than your friend but unless he's the gold standard I wouldn't rest at knowing you could outrun him.

    I'm just trying to feel like I'm succeeding somewhere. I just don't think that one HAS to have a flat stomach to be considered healthy.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I'm just trying to feel like I'm succeeding somewhere. I just don't think that one HAS to have a flat stomach to be considered healthy.

    If you're out running and eating good (following the MFP calorie suggestions) then you're doing more than succeeding. That's awesome. Be proud of yourself but don't sell yourself short and stop when you're better than someone who is doing nothing. Keep going!
  • Bryguy894
    Bryguy894 Posts: 3
    I'm just trying to feel like I'm succeeding somewhere. I just don't think that one HAS to have a flat stomach to be considered healthy.

    You're absolutely succeeding! Just don't make an 'association of causation' wherein you think that since you can outrun someone with a flatter stomach or leaner legs, that those things won't benefit your health! :smile:
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    Way to go! You are awesome!

    You have every right to be proud of your accomplishments, because the only competition you have is the person you used to be ... and if you feel like me, you are smoking that person on this journey.

    I did the pat on the back yesterday when I realized I had run over a mile without stopping. Milestone!

    Cherish every milestone you make, and when you finish your list, make new ones.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Does having a healthy body mean a flat stomach and lean legs?
    Unfortunately YES. There are numerous studies that point out that belly fat is dangerous because visceral fat or the fat found deep within the belly is directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, stroke & certain cancers. Also having a high body fat percentage is also dangerous regardless if you have a slim body or not. There are many slim people with pot belly or flabby legs.

    Just because you can run faster than someone who weighs less doesn't automatically mean they're less healthier than you are. That depends on the kind of training & in your case is geared towards running. Your friend may not be doing good in the running department but who knows if she can swim or bike faster or lift heavier weights than you are. You can run faster because you already conditioned your body to run faster which is good. I myself cannot run fast simply because I didn't condition my body for it but I can definitely swim, dance, bike & lift heavy weights and I train my body for it for 6 days a week. So if one day I run, of course I cannot do it like those who run 5Ks & maybe catching my breath after running 50 meters but that doesn't make me any less healthier than them.

    This is not to demotivate you because overall you're doing great taking charge of your health. Of course there are slim people who are unfit while there are overweight people who are fit. However that doesn't mean that the fit overweight people are now in the safe zone because overall, having a high body fat percentage isn't healthy.
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    It's great to compare yourself positively with others in your head, it really is. But when you go on a message board and put others down, people don't like it. Would you show your friend this thread?
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm just trying to feel like I'm succeeding somewhere. I just don't think that one HAS to have a flat stomach to be considered healthy.
    But you can do it without stepping down on other people. That's not good. If you have to put others down just to make you feel better then you got some issues going on with yourself whether you admit it or not. I feel so sorry for your friend.

    Honestly if I were your friend & see this thread, I would not think twice about leaving you because you're not being a good friend. Friends are supposed to help one another & not talking behind each other's back.