I was doing so well! exersice and eating good stuff. What happened....

what motivates you?????????


  • droogievesch
    droogievesch Posts: 202

    Thankfully everytime I start getting unmotivated I see a drop in the scale or some clothes start fitting better that makes me go, "It's working! You can't stop now!!"
  • Versah
    Versah Posts: 7
    Motivation is a mindset. Heres a quote that really helps me when I dont feel like working out, or doing my best during a workout, or even eating right. "If its importent to me, I will find a way, if ts not, ill find an excuse." Hope this helps you find your motivation. =)
  • fdlafon
    fdlafon Posts: 259 Member
    Good quote!!!!
  • Kopciu
    Kopciu Posts: 3
    I try imagine myself at a future event - even a small one where I know I will feel better about myself for making good choices now - No set pounds or inches to loose - Sometimes I squeeze in 15 min here or 20 mins there of exercise..something simple and not complicated on busy days..