Hi im about to be 20 years old and im 5ft 10. I really would like to lose 25-30 pounds by the end of the summer and then 100 pounds atleast by next may or so. i would love some support from who ever, I just joined MFP...and so far im loving! support from what it seems to me to be a very nice community would be great!


  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Hi there. Welcome to MFP!! I believe you could lose the weight by the end of the summer and maybe then some. YOu just got to work hard at it, find something you enjoy doing for exercise and rememeber to watch what you eat.
    I'm hear if you need support! Kim
  • raystar162
    yes thats so true! ive been eating really healthy so far and im just getting back into working out!. thank you i will definetly add you!
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Your welcome!!
  • carrieblue052
    carrieblue052 Posts: 41 Member
    On same journey kind off so yeah I'll support you as well