Determination needed

TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
About 2 weeks ago I went in for a physical, since my wife and I are in the process of trying to get qualified for adoption (we should know if a few weeks if we're acceptable candidates) and I was a bit dismayed to find that I had put on 38 more pounds in just over a year.

The scale said 288.

5 years ago I was doing weight watchers and I got down to 213lbs before I stopped, which was a bad move.

I don't want a life of yo-yoing.

I want to get healthy for the kids I don't yet have, and for me, and for my wife. I now have high blood pressure and high cholesterol on top of the weight, and though I once weighed 295 lbs, I feel more unhealthy than I ever have.

Today's the first day that it feels like fall here...we have a 6-month long summer, and just last week it was still over 100 degrees. My goal's to make use of the cold weather and the next 6 months to make as big an impact as I can, so that by the time summer begins again in april, I'll be better prepared for it.

just sharing--


  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    You can do this - and you've got some darn good motivation for making a change too. Still the bottom line is that you have to do it for yourself - because it requires taking time and putting energy into something that is for you and you alone.

    But in the long run this pays off because you will have more energy and a much higher quality of life to share with your wife and future children. So do it for you - the payoff is for them.

    I believe you can do this!

    And BTW MFPers - this gentleman is the author of a fantastic novel. I learned about it by looking at his profile, went to the website and after reading a chapter on the web site, I purchased the book! It's good! I'm hoping he some day decided to write a sequel!!! If you like fantasy novels, you'll love this, and it's totally different from the 'norm' in the genre - it's a breath of fresh air!!

    And Goblin - take the Buddha's advice there in your sig file - you will become what you focus on. Focus on the positive!!!!

    Blessings to you, your wife, and your pup- and the children you've yet to gain!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    You can do this - and you've got some darn good motivation for making a change too. Still the bottom line is that you have to do it for yourself - because it requires taking time and putting energy into something that is for you and you alone.

    But in the long run this pays off because you will have more energy and a much higher quality of life to share with your wife and future children. So do it for you - the payoff is for them.

    I believe you can do this!

    And BTW MFPers - this gentleman is the author of a fantastic novel. I learned about it by looking at his profile, went to the website and after reading a chapter on the web site, I purchased the book! It's good! I'm hoping he some day decided to write a sequel!!! If you like fantasy novels, you'll love this, and it's totally different from the 'norm' in the genre - it's a breath of fresh air!!

    And Goblin - take the Buddha's advice there in your sig file - you will become what you focus on. Focus on the positive!!!!

    Blessings to you, your wife, and your pup- and the children you've yet to gain!

    Thanks for the encouragement! :) And for the compliment. Yep, I'm working on the sequel these days. Just started writing chapter 8. Actually, now that you mention it, I think I should get some coffee and start working on it!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Excellent!!!! I fell in love with your novel because it's not run of the mill fantasy - it's something very different!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    You can do this Goblin!! Log your food and exercise! Sounds easy doesn't it? But soo many people log their food BEFORE they eat it and they log their exercise Before they even do it, that way that IS what they eat and they won't quit their exercise before the logged time is!! I will admit I do not log UNTIL I have ate (no matter what I ate) and when I exercise! I do not have one problem getting in my fitness, I absolutely LOVE the way it makes me feel! Now to just get my nutrition to be like that, workin on it though and journaling sure keeps me accountable!! You can do this too, man if you can write a book you can journal your food and fitness I know you can!!!!! I wish you a blessing on adoption and I TRULY wish you the best in weightloss!!! Good job on the book by the way!!!!!
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