Tired of the Gym

Does anyone else just get so tired of going to the gym. I go at least 4-5 days a week and I am just getting tired of the whle process. I know that if i stop doing it I would gain weight and luckily the gym has become a habit for me but it is just such a chore.

I am trying to get better at running as well and my hamstrings get sore and give me issues preventing me from trying to run again the next day.

I guess mostly I am just complaining. Wishing I could see more results with all that I do at the gym but I know my binges don't help my cause either.


  • giftieetcetera
    giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
    I don't go to the gym. I just can't make myself pack a bag and drive there. But I get bored if I keep doing the same thing over and over. Have you tried working out with friends sometimes to vary things?
  • wattssal000
    wattssal000 Posts: 62 Member
    I have been trying to find people to go to the gym with but no luck. Need people that live close or people that go to my gym so yeah I have tried but it is just me going.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    Maybe try changing your routine up. One or two days at the gym, one night a workout DVD at home, another a bike ride around town? If you're constantly changing up your routine, it may not feel so, well, routine. :-)
  • uglyhobo
    uglyhobo Posts: 108 Member
    Do you lift?
    Lifting becomes very fun and something to look forward too when you are setting PR's and constantly advancing.
  • HolllyBot
    HolllyBot Posts: 33
    I feel you too. I have my good weeks, and then some weeks I just don't go. But when I do go, I love it! Hahah, it's like I am trying to sabotage myself.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Try something new- I am constantly changing up my activity to make exercise fun. Sometimes I take fitness classes, bike, jog, walk, and I have been heavy lifting since March. Change it up!
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    Maybe try changing your routine up. One or two days at the gym, one night a workout DVD at home, another a bike ride around town? If you're constantly changing up your routine, it may not feel so, well, routine. :-)

    I get really bored of the gym after awhile. That's when I get outside and run! Like the above said, try switching up your routine often to keep you interested and motivated.
  • pkfrankel
    pkfrankel Posts: 171 Member
    Go outside and exercise. Find a track at your neighborhood high school. Start with an easy jog for one mile. Then sprint the straight part of the track. Finish and do push ups. Do walking lunges, squats, standing jumps or some other plyo leg exercise around the curve of the track. Finish and do sit ups. Sprint the straight part of the track. Do side plank dips or another core exercise. Run backwards or sideways around the curve of track. Do another strength or core exercise. Repeat.

    If you mix high intensity cardio with plyo metric strength exercises you can get a great workout without a gym or equipment.
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I've recently stopped going. I never truly got into it and always dreaded it. I would put pressure on myself to go and in the end it just wasn't the exercise for me.

    I run. It's what I love to do. I rarely miss a scheduled run and I enjoy it. I haven't got tired of running.

    I think you have to find what you enjoy and don't waste time on stuff you don't like. It has to be a sustainable lifestyle choice for me and I'm going to be a runner for a long, long, long time to come. Long after my weight goals are achieved. I have recently increased my running sessions and will continue to build up a solid base before increasing distance on one day a week. I'm also going to start doing different workouts - hills, beach runs, intervals, fartleks.

    Having said all that, I appreciate the benefits of doing some strength training and I am determined to collect some minimal and inexpensive equipment for me to do some sessions at home. Will I enjoy it as much as my running? Absolutely not. But I feel that I will be able to fit it in around my schedule better and I can work out in the comfort of my own home.

    Also, what has been important for my own sanity is understanding that sometimes I just want to go for a nice leisurely walk down at the beach, park, bushland with the dogs. Not for calorie burn or fitness goals. Just for fun. It's like a reset button. I feel recharged, renewed. It's a part of adopting a new, more active lifestyle.

    I don't see the point in being miserable and dreading exercise. I gave it a good go at the gym and got some good results. I can honestly say that I did give it a good go and I'm not just unwilling to workout. But I strongly disliked it and I don't need to put myself under that pressure all the time when life pressure are everywhere... my active lifestyle needs to be sustainable and I have found my 'thing' at last.
  • CatLambee
    CatLambee Posts: 26
    I'm the same way with the gym. I get bored easily and if my headphones die...screw it, I'm out of there. I don't handle heat well, though, so I can't work out outside this time of year. Best advice is to just do it. You probably don't enjoy doing the dishes either, but it's necessary to accomplish what you want: a clean space. Same thing with exercise. If you can, try challenging yourself and making a game of it. Distance in an hour or calories burnt or how many sit ups you can do. Helps me.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    There are a gazillion DVDs and other things you can do at home or around your neighborhood. Running 3 miles can be around your block, not the treadmill. You can do strength training at home with body weight. Switch it up....once you find something you love, you'll stick with it.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I quit my gym after one week. I HATED it, everything about it. All the women I met were *****y and rude and skinny! I hated going there. Right now, I'm working on getting some of my own exercise stuff so I can do it at home without people looking at me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I enjoyed being at the gym. I hated GOING to the gym. So I quit it. I was already only going for lifting, since I hate treadmills with the white hot heat of 1000 suns. So I quit. I got an inexpensive weight bench and barbell set for about a hundred bucks, and do my running outside.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I LOATHE going to gyms. So I work out at home in my kitchen. Seriously! I store my weights, bands, and mat in my laundry closet and exercise to DVDs in my kitchen. I have a mini TV and DVD player set up on a shelf. Until my boys are sharing a bedroom I don't have an extra space to work out, so I improvise.

    Oh, how I long for the day when I can get a weight bench and barbell set for the spare room upstairs...

    Sorry, I'm daydreaming. Anyway, exercise is part of good health, so try to figure out something that you enjoy and do that. Don't force yourself to do something you don't like because eventually you'll stop doing it.