is coffee good or bad?



  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good coffee is good. espresso. Espresso with steamed milk with or without froth. The ocassional espresso with steamed milk and some good quality chocolate syrup or maybe a small amount of another quality syrup. French press. Personal drip brewed coffee from recently ground beans. Brewed or French press with high quality fresh cream or half and half. All good. And because they are yummy and real, you can expect that they will be fine and no big whoop in moderation.

    Bad Coffee is bad. "Cappucinno" from a frothy machine at the local Qwickie Mart. "Coffee" with more sweeteners than coffee--artificial or not. Instant coffee. Coffee in a can that has been on a shelf for 6 months before you bought it. Coffee with coffeemate. Coffee from poor quality beans that were roasted and ground ages ago, brewed too hot and then sat on a hot plate for hours making it unbearably bitter and aweful requiring enough fake-cream and fake-sugar or corn syrup to "lighten" and sweeten it enough to no longer be considered coffee. Non-dairy creamer is full of weird stuff. So's the flavoring syrups. Meh.

    Can you have artificial sweeteners? sure. Probably won't kill you before next Tuesday. I've never put any kind of artificial sweetener in coffee without making the whole thing taste like an oil slick or something non-coffee-ish. It seems worthwhile, if one is to drink coffee, to actually drink coffee in a manner that show some respect for its cultural heritage, its complex flavors, and its versatility. Coffee, like most foods that our grandmothers or great-grandmothers would recognize really is sort of amazing in some of its more pure and traditional forms. And I just think a food as ancient and wide-spread as coffee has got to have health benefits whether modern science is aware of it or not.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I think coffee is fine. Caffeine, on the other hand, you should be careful with. If it doesn't affect you, then you should continue on as you have been. It makes my blood sugar spike, though, and I end up consuming more calories and have a serious case of the munchies. All. The. Time. To each their own.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I love my coffee. Sometimes I will put a bit of coconut oil in it. Yum! Anyone heard of bulletproof coffee? It's coffee but you add butter and coconut oil to it? Sounds weird but I want to try it!
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Coffee is fabulous. Scratch that - coffee served BLACK is fabulous.

    It is unfortunate tat so many people waste good coffee by putting cream and sugar into it because that was how they were taught to drink coffee, or because they started out drinking sh!tty roasts and use cream and sugars out of habit.

    Try a better roast that suits you and over time (if you need to take it in steps) phase out all the extra junk to really enjoy it, and not feel guilty about all the extra calories, carbs, fat, etc.

    For me, I started out drinking coffee with junk in it. I tired cream, heavy whipping cream, half and half, nonfat milk, sugar - you name it - I hated it. Then I started drinking it black and, while it took getting use to, I absolutely loved it.

    Hope that helps you!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Some things I have heard recently that caused me some concern. Feel free to correct me if they are unfounded, I am always open to learning more:

    - Artifical sweeteners may raise cortisol levels, a stress hormone which can cause your body to pack on belly fat
    - Drinking your coffee at the same time you take your multivitamins may interfere with proper vitamin absorption

    Stevia is a good somewhat-natural sweetener, I do not know if this would have the first issue I mention.
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,337 Member
    Try Stevia or Agava

    Stevia is really good :)
    I've cut sugar out completely but i have one hot drink at night with 10 drops of stevia and its just enough.

    and i have no idea whether ot not coffee is good or bad... i've heard that black coffee is good for you.
    But i guess anything taken in excess isn't good for you :)
  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    It really depends on the person! I can't drink coffee because it gives me the jitters and really messes with my sleeping schedule, admittedly messed up to begin with. Tea, on the other hand, is fine. Weird. But some people swear by their morning coffee and are perfectly fine for it. Find out which works for you :wink:
  • littlebecc
    littlebecc Posts: 24
    Be careful with coffee if you have stomach troubles. It's highly acidic and I'm fairly certain it contributed to my gastritis (inflammation of the stomach). Ive stopped it ever since (October)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I can haz all the coffee plz.

    Just as long as you are getting your water in, it's good. Caffine can dehydrate you -- so only drinking coffee wouldn't be great for you - but one or two cups is fine. Though, I do real sugar -- I don't like substitutes in warm drinks.
  • amysuespears
    amysuespears Posts: 127
    coffee junkie here... i drink my coffee everyday with fat free or 1% milk and stevia added to it (if I want a treat, i use natural bliss sweet cream creamer... it's freakin awesome). stevia is NOT my favorite... i prefer splenda, but i have heard that it's worse for you than sugar because it causes you to retain belly fat. so, i've dealt with the stevia taste. it's not too bad, really. i have gotten myself down to 1 cup each morning, but i drink 10-14 glasses of water daily to help make up for that. :)
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Coffee is neither good nor bad... it is AMAZING.
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    I think it's neither bad or good. I think the danger with coffee ( diet wise) is what you put in the coffee. I have stopped adding sugar and got down to 20 calories of fat free half/half. Sometimes when I'm wanting to eat snacks I have a cup of coffee instead.

    If I go out with friends who are having dessert, I order a coffee with lots of cream instead. That way I avoid the sugar but don't appear to be suffering unduly as I love LOTS of cream in my coffee. :)
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Personally, I think sweeteners are worse than sugar but that's a matter of personal opinion. Coffee isn't bad in small amounts but I think drinking it all day will just dehydrate you and make you addicted to caffeine. I feel much better since I reduced my coffee intake, I drink mainly herbal teas now.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Coffee's absolutely fantastic! There's a lot of sniffy-ness about coffee from a lot of fitness obsessed people. I even like to have milk in mine (gasp!). If you enjoy it and you're not having 40 cups a day, what's the problem?

    But a proper mug of tea, that's something else entirely. Can't beat a good brew. I like it so strong the spoon stands up on it's own (or melts entirely!) . Leave the tea bag in and it'll get stronger as you get to the bottom of the mug. Disclaimer: yes I am English!