Step foot inside a gym alone? NO WAY



  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    put on some headphones and tune everyone else out.
    i don't like to work out with anyone, i feel like whoever is with me will be the one watching or judging me, i prefer to be alone
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    My boyfriend actually does security where I work out (ymca), so I feel even more so like people know who I am to an extent and are watching me/judging my really low fitness level. It's awkward, but I do go there to workout alone and I just bring my iPod and focus on my workout. I haven't had any negative experiences yet!
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    I love going to the gym by myself. It allows me to clear my head for an hour or so and focus on myself. It is a bit scary at first, but once you get past that, it becomes much less intimidating.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I like working out alone, even if I think I look silly.
    That said, I don't have tips... but I just moved to San Jose and have like no friends over here. I'm a certified group fitness instructor if you want help with weight lifting form :-D
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    I used to care what people thought and I would often have anxiety attacks when my workout pal couldn't make it, but one day it just kicked in... "I am here for me not them" "If they don't like the way I look when I workout they can leave because I am here to change myself for the better" my favorite is "F them I don't give an F what they think" and then I realized it was all in my head. No one is there to judge you and half of them are probably just as self conscious as you are. Get in there and get your workout on. You can do it!! You will rock that gym hard :-) Good luck!!
  • cassi82
    cassi82 Posts: 20 Member
    I started going to my gym because I had a couple of friends who went there and persuaded me to join. At first, I only went when I was with them, but after they moved/stop going, I started going by myself. I was nervous at first, but one day it kind of dawned on me that I wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to what anyone else was doing (except to get ideas or figure out how to use a machine I hadn't used before). I think that most people are the same and if someone is there judging or staring, forget about them. It's definitely uncomfortable at first, but I think it's like any other situation in which you are uncomfortable - if you don't try it, you'll never get over that fear.

    Good luck no matter what you decide to do!
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member

    My brother actually gave me this pep talk on the first day I went on my own, when I called him to come and get me - I have EXTREME social anxiety.
    "Just do it, put your head phones in, swipe you pass, put your stuff in a locker, get on a treadmill or whatever and just go. No one, is watching you and if they who cares? you know what you are doing and why."

    It was the best thing he has ever said to me - he can be a real douche.

    After the first 10 minutes I forgot what I was doing, towards the end of my work out he showed up to do his and was super impressed I had found my groove and didn't chicken out. I felt so AWESOME when I finished, so... I am going to tell you this "just do it, no one is watching you... and if they are who cares? you know why you are there, and how far you have come."
  • TheresaC928
    TheresaC928 Posts: 849
    It'll be fine. Alone time can be good for your soul.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Have you ever heard the saying "What other people think about you is none of your business"? It really applies. You just worry about taking care of number one: YOU!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    You will never learn if you don't try. You will never get over your fear if you don't do it. You have to start somewhere and the longer you wait, the more upset you will be with yourself.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I'd rather go alone than with someone. I'm there for one reason, to work out and "get 'er done"

    It's my alone time.

    Try going early in the morning. Also, the negative self-talk is a BAD HABIT:) I can't imagine walking around thinking that about another person...if someone thinks that is their problem. It certainly is not true of you! Go...and enjoy's awesome!!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    You feel exactly like all the rest of us. I used to go at 3AM because I didn't want to seem like a new stupid overweight noob...but now I go at 3AM to get the daily workout out of the way, and avoid the crowds. Moral of the story...Don't worry about everyone else.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    12 months ago, I had never been in a gym and I was REALLY self-conscious about it. My husband went in first and checked the place out, then set up an appointment for the 2 of us to meet with a personal trainer (PT) and figure out what to do. I'd never worked out before and was over 150 lbs overweight - REALLY REALLY self-conscious and spent most of that "interview" session in tears! But the PT was compassionate and tender and very patient. Since I'd never used any of the equipment before and didn't want to do it wrong (didn't want to get hurt, embarrassed and then never go back!) so we set up PT sessions for a couple of months to see how it went.

    The first session (solo, just me and the trainer) was awkward at first, but she was brilliant at guiding me through it. 12 months later and I am still going strong :) I still see a trainer once a week (Mondays) - we do 1 hour full-body training and she gives me my "homework" for the rest of the week. i'm making great progress and best thing ever - I FEEL STRONG. That is SO empowering!

    Yes, it costs a bit of money that you may not be used to spending right now - or maybe like me, you spend it eating out, and on other splurges. THIS is an investment that will save your life. I can't recommend going to a gym and personal training highly enough. Do it! Just try it for a few months, it doesn't have to be for life :) Do it!! and friend me if you like!
  • Irish_eyes75
    Irish_eyes75 Posts: 475
    Years ago I went to a gym WITH my husband and literally had a panic I know exactly how you feel. I had to leave and sit in the car while he finished his workout (i told him to finish!).....10 years later I am older and wiser and just don't give a crap who's looking at my big butt jiggling. Most people at the gym are there to excercise, there are idiots who are there to pick up women but they're fun to watch and laugh at!!

    Hold your head up high and walk through those doors and work out! Do your own thing, ask them for a tour to show you how to use all of the machines, put your music on and just move!
  • mariaelenaismean
    Thank you all for the feedback!