positive friends

I need to get out of the debbie downer stage that is my biggest ambition. to do that I need some positive vibe friends. so for all those who are postive people please add me:) male and female friends.


  • It's always great to have new friends! They def. make this whole thing a lot more fun and motivating.

    Adding you now. :)
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    We all have a day or two here and there but for the most part I think we all are pretty positive in this wonderful world of MFP. =)
  • Sevasti_Titi
    Sevasti_Titi Posts: 250 Member
    I just added you...
    Sevasti :)
  • busynonstopmom
    busynonstopmom Posts: 6 Member
    Just started a few weeks ago. I want to get fit and healthy for myself and family. This time I have focused on eat healthy as well as exercise. I have supportive family and friends. But I know they don't want to listen to my weight loss battles anymore. I want to find people that we can support each other in this journey!