Anyone with piercings? Q about flare-ups...



  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Yep. I got my belly button pierced in 2002, took it out in 2005 and haven't tried to put any other jewelry in since then and the piercing site gets irritated and weepy at least twice a year. I think it's the nickel in the buttons on my jeans, but whatever. I clean it with saline and slather it in Neosporin and it clears up pretty quickly. Same thing happens with my ears lobes (pierced in 1990, haven't put earrings in since 2000). I think it must be shampoo residue or something. Oddly enough, my cartilage piercing that I got in 2003 has NEVER had any problems.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    PS - Keep your hands away from your piercings (all the time unless just washed with anti-bacterial soap) and only use clean towels to dry the area. When you do the soak there's no need to move or touch (directly) the piercing at all.

    I've also had luck cleaning the piercing with anti-bacterial Dial soap. The sea salt soaks work better/faster though.
  • ErinMLB
    ErinMLB Posts: 100 Member
    There is a really great salt water solution spray that you can get at pharmacies for like 5 bucks, it's wayyyyy easier to deal with than soaking it, plus you don't need to touch the affected area. Do that for a few days, I would try not to frig around with it too much because that can irritate it as well.
  • kdsp2911
    kdsp2911 Posts: 170 Member
    Didn't read all responses but that cyst could be a keloid and if so it will never go away. My husband had this and had to just remove the piercing and forsake it forever. That was 6 years ago and the cyst is much small but still there.
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    warm water and sea salt is the key! I've done this with retired ear piercings, retired Monroe and most recently, my nipple piercings (when I had my son, taking them out and putting them back in every two hours would have freaking killed me)
    The first winter was the worst... making sure they aired out and were cleaned with sea salt and warm water really helped...

    Sometimes my tattoos get bumpy and itchy out of no where, too... Usually just hit it with some warm, soapy water, feels a million times better!
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    PS - Keep your hands away from your piercings (all the time unless just washed with anti-bacterial soap) and only use clean towels to dry the area. When you do the soak there's no need to move or touch (directly) the piercing at all.

    I've also had luck cleaning the piercing with anti-bacterial Dial soap. The sea salt soaks work better/faster though.
    in addition to this: don't rub the area dry, use a clean towel and pat the area dry! :D
  • angiez93
    angiez93 Posts: 63
    Had the same issue with my nose. Baby it and use a paste of a tiny bit of water and crushed aspirin - worked for me!
    Piercings can be quite annoying sometimes. Best of luck!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I had to go back to my piercer to get him to put the little tiny ball back in my helix ring a few months ago and he recommended Vitamin E oil for the bumps. Apply a little before my shower and then wash it off with soap before getting out. He also mentioned the tea tree oil. I do sleep on that side of my head so I tend to have more irritation on a regular basis, but I just keep up with the vit e oil when necessary and make sure to wash that and my other piercings with an anti-bacterial soap every day.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    The best thing ... and I know this is kinda out there. But back in the day .. when I had piercings, I was told to soak / rinse my piercings regularly with ... urine. Your own urine .. just to be clear.

    It is just that it is sterile to your own body .. and is excellent at helping them heal and maintain a healthy state.

    It was not my thing, so didn't do it. But that is what I was told.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    could be a keloid (sp?) I would just go to a shop and get it checked worst case.. take it out, let it heal properly, get it done again.... source... I've had over 25 piercings... and unfortunately, sometimes this is the best way to ensure no internal infection.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Soak in warm sea salt water for several minutes twice a day. If the problem persists, you may want to try a different metal. NEOmetal (titanium) is supposed to be really good. It's expensive but...
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I always have issues with ear cartilage piercings. I had my cartilage pierced in high school & several years ago I was really sick & had to take it out. That piercing always acted up. In December I got an industrial in the same ear and it hasn't fully healed yet. 6 months for an industrial is still pretty early though, so I'm not super worried about it. It's just annoying. & I have other piercings that healed perfectly [double lobes & nose].

    The warm sea salt solution that most piercers have you do now seems to work wonders for me. I'm pretty sure I'm still having issues with this industrial piercing because I haven't done it consistently, but when it gets really bad I soak it in warm sea salt water, rinse with cold water, and then use a Q-tip to get all the loose gunk off before bed a few nights in a row & it calms it down immediately. If you have newish bumps/crusties, it helps them dry up and fall off - or at least that has been my experience. I think consistently doing the sea salt soak [maybe even twice a day], not touching and not sleeping on the piercing for a few weeks would help a lot.