Big Brother fans? Season 14 Chat



  • kellyo15
    kellyo15 Posts: 51
    It's my guilty pleasure too! I love it and have followed for years...not sure if I should be embarassed of that, haha. I don't really have much for favorites on the show yet but it's always nice to see old characters that I didn't hate :) can't wait to see how this summer plays out!
  • ThustonHowell
    This year I would pull for Ian but the kid is too awe struck to play the damn game.

    I think Will has the personality to fade into the mix for several weeks, then if he's a strong enough player make a power move.

    Worst lie so far - "I'm a Kindergarten teacher." No impact on the game if she's a nurse, and insulting to Kindergarten teachers everywhere.

    Worst lie/liar ever - Matt "My wife has cancer."
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member

    Worst lie/liar ever - Matt "My wife has cancer."

    It was the best lie ever!!!

    and now he has his own website:
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I'm watching it. disappointed in Boogies decision not to save his top pick and instead saved that nerdy guy. big mistake.
  • Countryslove
    I have watched every season except for the first one.
    So far no players really stand out to me except maybe Shane.
    I really don't get how Mike "Boogie" considers himself one of the greatest players to ever play the game.
    He made a lot of really bad mistakes last night. He just got lucky that he won or else he rode on Dr. Will's coattails.
    Glad to see Janelle back though.
  • sexyrosey
    sexyrosey Posts: 137
    I would have loved it and cracked up if Brachel were coaches.

    Oh hell no I can't stand her. I love that wille is on there, I hope he's like his brother that will make it a great season for sure. :explode:
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I have watched every season except for the first one.
    So far no players really stand out to me except maybe Shane.
    I really don't get how Mike "Boogie" considers himself one of the greatest players to ever play the game.
    He made a lot of really bad mistakes last night. He just got lucky that he won or else he rode on Dr. Will's coattails.
    Glad to see Janelle back though.

    yeah he's made a bunch of mistakes. He definitely rode Will's coattails. Dan is the brains of the 4 coaches.
  • ThustonHowell

    Worst lie/liar ever - Matt "My wife has cancer."

    It was the best lie ever!!!

    and now he has his own website:

    At least remember your lies. Watching that kid sweat was fun.

    Best line of the year so far, Joe - "Boy, that WIl is like the 2nd or 3rd hottest chick in here." Some ish like that. Nearly pissed myself.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I keep missing episodes!!

    No favs yet either, but from this view (see pic) I might have a few in mind!! LOL

  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Jo Jo is the hottest
  • ThustonHowell
    Jo Jo is the hottest

    She is nice, but I'm leaning a little more Danielle.
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    Jo Jo is the hottest

    She is nice, but I'm leaning a little more Danielle.


    I miss Kara already :frown:
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    I would have loved it and cracked up if Brachel were coaches.

    Oh hell no I can't stand her. I love that wille is on there, I hope he's like his brother that will make it a great season for sure. :explode:

    That would have been awesome if Brachel made it LOL!
  • sexyrosey
    sexyrosey Posts: 137
    What a shocker you miss the blonde with big BOOBS :grumble:
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Wish these shows would realize they should kick it old school and not bring back old players, watching Brachel last year was frustrating and I don't think people should win twice.
    Pretty disappointed so far, the cast seems kinda boring and not much eye candy for me.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I keep missing episodes!!

    No favs yet either, but from this view (see pic) I might have a few in mind!! LOL

    Notice all the boobs are up front?
  • tdtl07
    tdtl07 Posts: 33
    I can't stand Boogie! He thinks just because he won All Stars that he is all that! Well news flash he isnt! It was none of his business when Willie and Frank got into that argument. BTW, I hope Frank doesn't put Willie but I know he probably will! I really don't have any other problems with any of the other ones. I wish them all luck!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Love this show. So far I'm rooting for Shane, but it is still kinda early.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    Wow! I must be watching a totally different show.

    Willie is playing too hard too fast and making a deal with any person who breaths his direction. (Frank is safe, wont go on the block. Where did he go? Makes him a liar too)

    All the coaches, first shouldn't be there. They had their turn. Second are scheming to align with other coaches sometime in the near future.

    Brittany is this seasons tattletale. Back n forth busy body. What's that chicks name from last season from Louisiana? Got busted playing everyone? Skinny blonde? Loved monster drinks. Oh..Shelly. Brittany is this years Shelly.

    They'll keep Joe cause he cooks. But he's gonna use all the food one too many times.

    Ian...oh Ian. That creepy little twit. He's gonna have a nervous breakdown and be hauled out in a pretty white jacket hugging himself. Separation anxiety must be hard on those not weaned.

    I like Wil and a couple others.
    but Willie and Brittany and Ian and the rest of the coaches can go.

    And Frank ...well, I liked his dad. Still watch wrestling!
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    Yeah, I have totally changed my mind about Mr. Hantz. He is an idiot. After watching last night's episode, I hope he goes home next. Way to make yourself look like a liar, a back stabber and a troublemaker. I love how he just walked away , without a word after the HoH competition!

    I still like Ian, even if he is a 'creepy little twit'. I agree, he is! Haha It makes him entertaining to me, at least. I have barely heard a word from some of them, flying too low under the radar, with no game play, makes for a boring house guest!

    I do like Wil and some of the others too. I agree, the coaches can just go home. They make the game confusing for some. Let the HG's have their time!