Im addicted to food really struggling...



  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    So I been eating between 1200-1400 per day but It's still normal food, gamon chips, spaghetti bolegnese etc... i started this because my biggest problem was my portion size so thought if I try and get my head around my portions first then I'll move to next step of introducing more healthier foods when I feel ready... even doing this i lost 12lb in 5 weeks - i stayed the same this week, I t does sound like im a crazy woman but I loe food too much and was trying cut down,

    So now I need try be 'more' healthy as my weight lost as come to a stand still anyone got any advice?

    I think my food diary is public just let me know if not.

    and please dont be nasty i know its not perfect and dont need be jumped on just need helpful advice.

    All food I add i double check with whats on the package and find the right amount and right cals if already there x


    I feel your pain! I am in the same situation, have the same problem. Mostly with pasta!
    Food is a drug you know.
    In my case, I try to stay away from foods I just cant get enough, like pasta, rice, bread...
    But some days I can manage to eat them without saying "screw this, I want more!"
    It's a battle, and it will be long and painful, but at the end it will be worth it.

    Good luck!
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    A) Try buying a good scale as mentioned earlier, it really helps.
    B) Look up "portion plates" or use smaller dishes when serving meals. It's silly, but humans have been consistently shown to want to "fill" their plates because the larger dish makes a portion look smaller. Try serving yourself dinner in a saucer.
    C) Drink a cup of hot tea or broth shortly before dinner.
    D) Start drinking green tea, it's a known apetite supressant.
    E) If you have issues with liking really fatty or sugary foods, check out hungry girl. While I'm not a fan of some of the "fake" foods that she uses, it makes a great first step because she'll take foods you really like and let you make them in a less bad way. It just makes things easier, especially in the beginning when your body still wants what it wants.
    F) Don't give up. Seriously. Every time you fall get back up on your horse and keep going.

    I don't know if it helped the OP, but I LOVED this. I already boxed up all our dinner plates so now I eat off a dessert plate and even that seems almost too big, I might try to find saucers. And I haven't checked out the website yet but it sounds perfect for me right now. Thanks! :)
  • illbetravelin
    illbetravelin Posts: 27 Member
    i know to some people this may sound crazy, but it works!
    i was a vegetarian for 7 years.
    When i decided to become a vegetarian it was because my eating habits were HORRIBLE! i would eat the worst things.
    once i started not eating meat, i became aware of all the fruits and veggies and how to cook with them.
    i lost 40 pounds, and felt so amazing.

    im not saying you should go veggie, but, if you did it maybe 2x a week, and started looking into different recipes only with veggies, you might discover some new and healthy things to eat!

    also, doing fun things like going to the farmers market and buying fresh food is always a motivator.

    good luck, and take it slow! you can do it!
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I've only been on MFP for 3 weeks, but since joining, I've started taking things that I would normally cook and adding something healthy to it or making substitutions to lessen the calories. I'm also addicted to She has very good recipes that are "normal" foods modified to be healthier. Some really good stuff on there... In just 3 weeks of doing this, I noticed a difference in how I feel and my cravings are slowly going away. I was really craving Pizza Hut yesterday so I bought some, ate 2 slices (normally I could almost eat a medium pizza by myself) and I felt so bad for the rest of the day and the pizza didn't taste as good as I remember. It was validating to me that I'm now giving my body what it needs and the food I used to pig out on doesn't taste like it used to.
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    that dont sound crazy at all i did slimming world 2 years ago and lost 2 stone... and on there i had green weeks where i'd use quorn etc. I never thought about trying it now.. thankyou