Not losing any pounds



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I have been counting my calories, I have been doing my herbalife and I do my aerobics for at least 10 minutes a day everyday. I am not happy with the results I got as far as my weight goes I gained 2 pounds :( but I lost 3 inches so I know that is good. But I don;t know why the scale doesn't agree also any tips would be great

    Tip: Losing inches is much better than losing weight. I don't walk around with a scale to show people my progress, but they damn sure can see my pants falling off me and they can see the new, smaller belt I had to buy. If the genie came out of the bottle and said he'd make me weigh 300 pounds, but I'd have a 32 inch waist, ripped abs and awesome pecs I'd be like "SIGN ME UP, ALI BABA!"

    Bonus Tip: Try to get at least 20-30 mins of cardio in. 10 mins of steady state cardio is barely enough to start your blood flowing, and definitely won't give you any afterburn benefits

    ^He's a smart cookie. Listen to him. :happy:
  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    I care about what the scale says too, its hard not too but what I also have to remember is that muscle weighs more then fat!!! And if I am losing inches that is still a positive change and weight loss!!! Keep at it!!!
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Thank you everyone for you kind words and ispiration. As some of you asked I have made my profile public so you may now view it....beware, I do eat quite often but I am working on that. we are starting to get all the bad unhealthy foods out of the house so hopefully i can do better. as for my workouts, I started slow with 10 minutes because I am a smoker and hopefully I can quit that soon too ( one thing at a time though) I am doing the biggest loser dvd work outs every night and I am getting better, last night I did 20 minutes. I am very active when I get and cooking and I have a 2 year old who thinks I need to carry her when I do anything so I get to burn calories that way too. My biggest problem is my addiction to coke I love the stuff, how did yall get over your biggest food habit?

    My biggest thing was coke as well. And I used to smoke several cigarettes a day. i have cut down to one every other day (on average).

    For the coke. i started drinking water with lemon drops/crystal light rasperry lemonade flavor.t hen slowly started incorporating more water without flavor. now I drink about 100 OZ of water a day, and the last time I had a glass of coke was two weeks ago after a night of with the BF. BUT that was a aspecial occasion. We live 5000 miles away from each other and it was his last night here.

    Apart from that one time I cannot remember the last time I have had it or craved it.

    best of luck
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I used to love Coke too, but now its usually too sweet for me-i have it once a month if that. If youre still drinking multiple cans a day, start out like the poster above said- one can of coke, then a glass of water. After a week or two, make it two glasses of water, one can coke. In another week or two, three water, one coke, ect. Make yr first hoal to simply be having one can of coke a day-with inner, at night-whenever you feel you'll enjoy it most.

    Now, you can stay like this-my issue is lemonade iced tea-i like the real stuff, diet tastes bad to me, so i have one glass with dinner. Ive been having 13 oz, but lately a dew times a week ive just been having 8 oz in a mug, and im just as satisfied. But even when i have 13 oz, i can fit it into my calories. Its up to you whether you want to stay having a coke every night or try to cut down even more. But it all starts with the first step-just replacing some of the coke you drink with water. I was never a fan of water either-now im fine with it. You can do it too :)
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Another thing ppl tend to overlook worry about scale and inchs is how are you feeling?

    Do you find that you are having more overall energy? Are you feeling better?

    Honestly. It is the small non-scale victories that make weightloss so important. ie. feeling better! looking better!

    Like most people have already said its a matter of patience. We didn't put the weight on in a matter of weeks we did it in a matter of a lifetime we need to learn to take it off and lead more healthy lifestyle long term. (which is hard) it is so easy to slip back into old habits when we stop looking even for just a few days or when life gets busy.