New Moms and exercising

Even though i still have a few months before I have my baby I like to have a plan in place. Are there any women out there who were able to start working out soon after having their baby? How were you able to fit workouts in? If you breastfed were us able to workout or did it affect your milk supply? I guess I have a ton of questions and would appreciate any advice from moms


  • DeeEFC
    DeeEFC Posts: 7 Member

    Congrats on your pregnancy first of all!

    I had my daughter 5 months ago and I'm sure it's different for every new Mum but I struggled to get back into a fitness routine until quite recently. I didn't have that much of a problem in eating healthily as I wanted to cut out the junk food whilst I was pregnant so I kinda continued with that after I'd had her. I lost very small amounts of weight, the odd pound here and there but my weight fluctuated a lot because I didn't have the energy, time or motivation to exercise. It's only been in the last couple of weeks that I have got back into my exercise routine but it's not as scary as I thought it would be. Like you mentioned, being a Mum, it can be hard to find the time to fit in exercising but I'm lucky I guess and tend to ask a family member or my boyfriend to take care of her for an hour. Another great thing is walking...great for burning calories and my daughter (like most women) is a very nosey little girl so she enjoys having a look out of her pram!
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Carrying your baby in a sling and breastfeeding are the best ways to loose weight in the early days, you can start exercising again 6 weeks after birth (with go ahead from doctor) buts its best to work up again very gradually. Make sure you're eating well because breastfeeding can burn up to 500cals a day! Eat well and to your hunger level and everything will be fine :)
  • Hi there! Congrats on the upcoming arrival of your baby! I have a 2.5 year old and a 1 year old. I actually found it much easier to get back in routine after I had my second baby....I think the first time around I was the typical "first time mom" that focused on the baby and not on myself.

    I started exercising when my youngest was 6 weeks old. I had an established milk supply and was in routine enough to organize my day. Usually, I exercise when my youngest goes down for her morning nap. My oldest comes and plays in the basement with his toys while I go for a jog/elliptical; usually I can squeeze in a 45min workout before my daughter wakes up. My rule is to try to work out before 12:00 noon so that I get it out of the way and get on with my day. Since having my daughter, I've lost 32 lbs and I have about 13 lbs to go.

    Hope this helps. I found my body changed a lot after childbirth (especially having 2 of them so close) but I just try to embrace it. The weight will come just doesn't happen overnight. Good luck with everything.