Coming back from an injury

Hi all!

In late May I had planned my comeback to a healthy lifestyle and was prepared to have a productive summer of weight loss and lots of fun. Two weeks later I sprained my ankle on a run and was put on stern rest as it was a rather serious sprain. I tried to eat healthy and stick to my plan, but being on the couch or laying in bed literally 24 hours a day while snacking on not-so-healthy but very yummy snacks took its toll. I'm now able to walk, and although my mobility is slightly limited (no running or Zumba for me yet), I'm constantly struggling to find the motivation to go for a walk or do something to get moving. I'm embarrassed to go to the gym because I won't be doing my usual routine and I'm afraid I'll feel out of place like when I first started going. In my mind, it's all about what I could have been doing and what I could have achieved at this point yet haven't due to my long recovery process and poor eating choices...


  • georgeinthecord
    georgeinthecord Posts: 84 Member
    Don't feel like that! 99% of the people at the gym are so focused on their workout that they won't even notice what you're doing, the other 1% is you worrying about yourself, and you just have to get over that :D haha.

    Most important thing is just to start out slow and not reinjure yourself. The worst thing you can do is jump back in full force and wreck your ankle again. Just take your time, take it slow and once you're fully rehabbed, you'll be able to do your old workout and more! :)

    Also, try not to beat yourself up over questionable choices. It's in the past, all you can do is try and do better today and moving forward!