Being Honest

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
Hey everyone - I've been on this site for years now, and it has helped me a lot. In 2006 I weighed in at 325 lbs. After a few years of gradual working out and eating healthy, and then with the addition of MFP, I got within 3 lbs of my goal weight of 180lbs. Then, I got a new job. I had to move, and with the job came new stress (I'm a R&D engineer at a fortune 500 company so 16 hour days aren't out of the question). Along with the stress came stress eating. It was easy to avoid when I couldn't afford junk food, but now I have a much larger amount of disposable income. Then I lost my apartment in the city, and had to move an hour and a half away. So now not only am I working long hours, but I have to throw a 5 hour daily commute into the mix (2.5 hours each way). But last week I had a break, work agreed to let me telecommute two days a week. This gives me time to start fitting in some runs and some hikes and all the activity I used to love to do.

As it stands, I don't know how much weight I've gained - I'd say I'm probably back up around 220. I've had enough, especially knowing that this time next year I'll be having my wedding. I feel bad given my fiance is a marathoner, does spin, takes exercise classes daily, and is in peak health. I used to be there too, but I let it go.

So, here I am, this time hopefully for good. I need to get back in shape, most of my clothes that I was so excited to get don't fit anymore, and I just feel gross all of the time. I've been riding my bike more often, watching what I eat, drinking less, and as of this morning I'm running again.

I suppose this post is mostly to make me get it out of my system, because I think I've been denying that I'm a stress eater. I have a problem, and I need to admit that. My name is Matty and I'm a stress eater.


  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    Good for you! Feel free to add me if you need any support, congrats on your upcoming nuptuals!
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    Hi Matty - welcome back! Congratulations on recognizing your trigger. This morning, I finally figured out that I replaced smoking with eating, and now am replacing eating with exercise as stress management... best of luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    It's sometimes funny. I just saw a post of yours in another topic and then stumbled on this. :wink:

    In any case, I was just the opposite, when I was stressed, I didn't eat. Indeed when I was working for what I will call "the evil empire" (one of the big 3 accounting firms), and routinely putting in 54 hour weeks (that is a 4.5 day week btw) I started shedding weight. But it wasn't healthy, as can be evidenced by the heart attack I had at age 48 that my doctors attributed to stress. But that was me.

    My story is similar to yours, except I am somewhat older, and using the folks here at MFP and some other inspirational things have started down the road to getting healthy again. Boy I wish I would have found this site sooner.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    It's great that you identified your issue before it spirals out of control and you end up way back where you started. It's all too easy to get depressed, which leads to more eating, which leads to more stress and depression, which leads to . . . you get the idea. Welcome back. You'll be back in tip top shape in no time.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    Honesty IS the best policy! Mt name is Mary and I am a stress eater as well. Add me as a friend...and we will go onwards towards our goals togather! You have a wedding to get ready for!
  • mandy031383
    mandy031383 Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome Back!!! I am also a stress eatter and always have been. It was something that took me a long time to relaize but, I have made serious progress on it especially sence loging my calories and find I almost never do it now. The urges to have also decreassed big time. Good luck and great job for recognizeing your trigger :)
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Welcome back!! I too have bounced off and on the site since 2008 and i find that logging is a HUGE part of success. Kudos to you for taking back control, it's a life long fight! Best wishes on your upcoming marriage as well!!:flowerforyou:
  • larsmac83
    larsmac83 Posts: 24
    I also have been teetering and tottering for a while now. I also am engaged and eager to look great for myself and for wedding photos. I'm ALSO working full time and going to school full time trying to get a nursing degree. It's incredibly difficult to stay on track when it's usually much easier to eat badly, ESPECIALLY when you're stressed. I'm on here again trying to get the weight off and the support to help me do it. I applaud you for your realization and your commitment. Hope you do well! Best of luck to you!
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Welcome back! I hope the telecommuting helps. Feel free to add me if you'd like support!

    I used to live in Easton as a kid. :)
  • litag
    litag Posts: 2
    Welcome back!! I too had gotten busy with work & three kids and stopped MFP but started back up this week. You can add me for support. Congrats on the wedding!
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    Your story of restarting sounds so similar to mine. I lost a good 30-35 lbs, kept if off for a while, started a new job with a longer commute (1.5 hours each way), stopped exercising for lack of time, fell back into old habits of eating whateer I wanted in any quantity I wanted, gained all the weight back, have a trunk full of the "cute" clothes that don't fit, and am starting again.

    Good luck to you! Honesty is sometimes painful but in the long run, honesty feels so much better afterwards.
  • HI Matty,
    You can do this. You've done it before and you still weight less than you once did. I am a glass half-full kind of person. :)
    I slipped up recently also and have recommitted to MFP because I KNOW it works. If I can see, in black and white (or blue & white) exactly what I am consuming every day it really helps me be conscientious and aware of what I am putting in my mouth and how much I am moving.
    My big confession - I am lazy.
    That is the first time I have actually admitted that to anyone, including myself. I do enjoy physical activity, hiking, walking, biking, etc. but I have no one to do those things with and so I just don't do any of it. I need to change that attitude.
    I am a teacher, so I have the summer off and I have been trying to move more and eat less, but I haven't made any progress (according to the scale) in a month and school starts in another 6 weeks and I know that if I don't sty focused, that will throw me off for a while.
    Anyway, I am here for moral support!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thanks for sharing. It helps to vent. I don't eat when I get stressed out, but I am still addicted to nicotine, so I smoke. I eat when I get emotional sometimes, but mostly I smoke for that too.
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Very proud of you for taking charge of your life once again. We can definitely do this.

  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    Welcome back and you can do this. If you would like to add me you are more than welcome too. I am fairly new but have close to 100 lbs to lose and all the determination in the world. Cheers buddy!
  • Vmcd
    Vmcd Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome back, Matty :) As you can see from all of the comments, you are not alone in this journey, or in the fact that we all have triggers and stresses that challenge us. Experience has taught me that accountability is an excellent way to stay on track. I know you said you work a lot, but maybe with your new schedule, you and your fiance could join a running group? My runner girls are a life saver for me. Even when I don't feel like running, I know I'm meeting my friends, so I'm less likely to back out of a run. Plus, I got most of them to join MFP, so now they even comment on my food and exercise logs lol. My very good friend/trainer calls me out if I don't complete my diary. Of course she does it in a friendly way, but it helps me to know that she actually checks it . . . EVERY MEAL!

    You have come a long way, and it sounds like you aren't where you want to be quite yet. Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint. Make healthy choices whenever possible, and get that exercise in, and you will be at your goal weight before you know it :) It sounds like your fiance is on the same page, so you have support there too. Looking forward to seeing your workouts on your profile :)