Have I already plateaued?

I just started using MFP at the beginning of this month and I lost almost 10 pounds... but then I found out about water weight (still learning all this stuff). While that's great it seems like I have suddenly stopped going down despite the fact that I am watching what I'm eating and I go out for a fast walk/jog for about 35-60 min every day.

What really annoys me are these conflicting numbers for the calorie intake. I'm supposed to be eating up to 1640, yet it's extremely difficult to even hit 1200 without making something in the nutrient details go in the red. For instance, if I have just 1 apple., 1 cup of grapes, and a banana throughout the day - not even all at once - my sugars go through the roof. I'm only allowed 33 grams a day which I think is unrealistic. Are fruits that bad, particularly in small quantities? Should I just not eat those for a little while?

Along with that I would think that going out and trying to exercise would do some good but apparently it isn't. I mean I know what I'm doing now is better than sitting on my *kitten* at home, but why am I not seeing any results? I'm sure someone will tell me to work out longer, but I get exhausted after that short amount of time. Keep in mind I'm still in the beginning so it's not like I can run marathons right now.

I know this is a moment of frustration that many people must feel. The sudden loss of water weight is extremely deceptive and can end up being demoralizing. If anyone can offer some pointers, or even better, if someone could relate to my situation and let me know how things worked out, that would be great.