confused .....which do I TDEE which is 2573 or MFP (exercise included) 1718 and it says my Basil Metabolic Rate is 1660...what do these numbers mean? LOL


  • Curvy_princess
    Curvy_princess Posts: 135 Member
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    tdee is how many calories you typically burn every day and is your BMR multiplied by an activity factor (that is why you had to tell it how active you are)

    BMR is how many calories your body needs just to function (organs, breathe, etc) but not move.

    the MFP 1718 is your tdee minus whatever weightloss deficit you chose, so if you chose 1 lb/wk (500 cal/day deficit), then MFP estimated your TDEE to be 2218 to give your 1718 net calories'
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    If your TDEE is 2573 that's what you would need to maintain your weight. Your BMR is how many calories you burn if you were to lay in bed all day and just breathe. You always should eat above that number. It looks like MFP has a pretty decent goal for you picked out. You maybe could even eat a little more than that. And of course, eat those exercise cals back :flowerforyou:
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    btw, bmr is based off your sex, height, current weight, and age.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    For me personally, my TDEE numbers have changed my life. Ever since I began following them, I've been losing consistently.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    BMR is the minimal amount of calories your body will burn, if you were to lay in bed all day and not move. Each time your heart beats, you take a breath, your kidney filters, ect.... there is smooth muscle movement. Thus a calorie burn.

    TDEE is the BMR plus your normal daily activities. You get out of bed, brush your teeth, shower, prepare and eat breakfast, run to catch the bus......ect. This is basically your maintenance level.

    To lose weight , you need to be above your BMR and less than your TDEE.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If your TDEE including exercise is 2573, you would eat 2073 to lose one pound per week, or 1573 to lose two pounds per week.

    If your TDEE without exercise is 2573, you would eat as above, plus whatever you burn through exercise.

    Or, eat your BMR of 1660, and eat some or all exercise calories depending on how fast you want to lose.

    I don't know what your MFP number of 1718 represents. Is that the number they gave you to lose a pound a week?
  • jcomley1
    jcomley1 Posts: 133
    Right TDEE- Total Daily Energy Expenditure.
    This quantifies the number of calories you burn in a day. It is a combination of your Basil Metabolic Rate and your activity level. This is the target you should be hitting with food and exercise taken into account.

    BMR/ Basil Metabolic Rate: this is the number of calories you would need to survive, like if you were in a coma. It is always recommended to eat at your BMR even when exercising or just slightly below if you are inactive.

    Your MFP is the TDEE minus your selected weightloss deficit.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    BMR is what your body burns at rest to stay alive. On MFP, they have TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculated at BMR plus normal daily activities -- I think it grossly overestimates what most overweight people do in one day.

    I can only say what has worked for me. When I exercise, I eat at my BMR + 30% -- coincidentally, this generally equals what is thought to be my MFP TDEE -- probably because I'm usually sedentary except for my exercise sessions. When I don't do much of anything, I eat at 10% above my BMR.

    I have no idea whether my N = 1 anecdote has any general application.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    Check out this blog:

    Your TDEE is how many calories your body needs to stay the same weight (at whatever activity level you entered). You should eat at a 5-20% reduction of your TDEE to lose weight. It is advised to not net less calories than your BMR (the amount of calories your body would need to function if you were completely inactive, i.e. in a coma). Hope this helps!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Just when I think I understand it all, I forget it all so this is a good refresher.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    confused .....which do I TDEE which is 2573 or MFP (exercise included) 1718 and it says my Basil Metabolic Rate is 1660...what do these numbers mean? LOL

    MFP does not include you planned exercise. If you want to see maintenance calories (TDEE) excluding exercise on MFP go to the goals tab and look at the top right "calories burned from normal daily activity" If you want TDEE add your average exercise burn to that number.

    If you follow MFP eat back exercise calories, if you used TDEE from another site don't eat back exercise calories. It should bring you pretty much to the same place.

    As an example say MFP gives you 1450 calories to lose 1 lb/week, and you plan on exercising 5x/week for an average of 400 cals per workout. well MFP will tell you to eat 1450 on the days you don't workout and 1850 on the days you do whereas a "professional" may tell you to eat 1700 everyday regardless if you workout.

    So for the week MFP will have you eat 12,150 (1450*2+1850*5) whereas doing it the other way will have you eat 11,900 (1700*7) almost the same number of cals for the week (250 dif). The issue in not following MFP is if you don't workout the full 5 days or burn more or less than planned. If that is the case you may lose more or less than your goal, whereas MFP will have you lose your goal amount regardless how much you actually workout.

    What many MFPers do is take the low 1450 and not eat back exercise calories which is wrong, if you are not eating them back then your daily activity level should reflect the higher burn with would be covered in the 1700/day above.
  • hjackson1226
    hjackson1226 Posts: 125 Member
    tdee is how many calories you typically burn every day and is your BMR multiplied by an activity factor (that is why you had to tell it how active you are)

    BMR is how many calories your body needs just to function (organs, breathe, etc) but not move.

    the MFP 1718 is your tdee minus whatever weightloss deficit you chose, so if you chose 1 lb/wk (500 cal/day deficit), then MFP estimated your TDEE to be 2218 to give your 1718 net calories'

    ^^^This but I am going to add to it. Do not eat below your BMR, in the end it will have your metabolism all outta whack. So, It sounds like if you net 1718 you should be okay. You can use scooby's calculators (you will have to google it). They are really accurate and give you all of the numbers you are looking for.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    For me personally, my TDEE numbers have changed my life. Ever since I began following them, I've been losing consistently.

    Same here! I cut my calorie intake to 650 calories below TDEE and have been losing a lot of weight.
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    bump for later
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't worry about my BMR for now and just focus on my TDEE. Calories in, calories out. I am eating at 30% less than TDEE. I will have to reevaluate later, but for now, it's a good beginning for me.
  • ch00singlife
    ch00singlife Posts: 64 Member