3 stone or more to lose?


my name is Ellie - I am 26yrs old and live in Twickenham UK. I joined MFP end of May and am absolutely loving it!! Am looking for fellow MFP ppl to add me who have a lot of weight to lose as I myself have a long weight loss journey ahead of me. I joined a gym end of April this year and have so far lost 2 stone, which I am really pleased with but still lots more weight to shift!! Add me if u fancy another MFP buddy : )


  • nelsonsmum
    I too have lots to lose. Not really got my exercise sorted yet, I feel too embarrassed to swim or go to the gym. Am going to have to up my walking I guess.
  • EllysJellys
    EllysJellys Posts: 111
    nelsonsmum - i know what u mean about swimming - the thought of me getting into my costume is petrifying! but at least we r on here doing something about it so keep up the good work! i sent u a friend request too. Ellie
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP!

    MFP is a really great resource to keep you focused and connect you with a wealth of fitness resources and like minded folks.

    1. Log your foods every day - don't skip days, or parts of your day. log everything!
    2. Analyze each day - see where it went good and where it went bad - too much fat? maybe too many carbs? over the calorie limit? Identify and plan how to correct it for tomorrow.
    3. Reach out to the community with questions or advice needs.
    4. Build a network of friends here!
    5. Lastly, do not believe everything you read here. There is a lot of great advice, but also some misleading and hype type advice. Part of getting fit is educating yourself in aspects of health and fitness. Make sure any questionable advice is looked at with a scientific eye and look for facts, evidence, and most importantly real world proof.
    6. You are more than a number. Sometimes the scale may not say what you hoped - thats fine. weight loss is not a straight line declination. Its a bumpy line that drops over time. Don't let single day numbers get your focus away from term based results.
    7. Vary your exercises. Your body forms memories and can slow down how it burns fat and builds muscles. Keep it confused! Hit it hard with cardio styles. Build lean muscle to burn even more fat.
    8. and above all - take your photo now! You will want to look back and have a starting BEFORE picture to proudly display along with your series of PRESENT or CURRENT photos during your transformation and continued lifestyle of fitness.

    I welcome you, and anyone else out there to add me as a friend. I have made fitness and health my passion and love the idea of folks joining me in my new lifestyle of being fit, healthy, and most importantly - HAPPY!.

    I'm here to support and motivate!!! I find my own success comes easier when I help and fuel other folks success.

    and remember - most folks care more about the quality of fuel they put in their lawn mowers than the fuel they put in their bodies. Don't be one of those people. Whole foods. Natural foods. Intelligent choices.

    Fit for life,
    Mark M. Reed
    aka Marc Mayhem - Fitness Blogger, and Motivator!

    Add me as a friend and take part in my daily fitness discussions, tips, and commentary on MyFitnessPal!
  • airbent
    airbent Posts: 150 Member
    I'm Heather, add me if you want! I'm on most days and while I'm almost 20lbs down I've still got about 40 to go, so almost 3 stone. I joined a gym this month and it's been going well but between losing the weight and then tightening everything up, I'll be plugging away at this for quite a while.
  • chelle866
    chelle866 Posts: 53
    hey, i have a LONG way to go lol, i'll get there eventually :)
  • klinkow
    klinkow Posts: 26 Member
    i also have alot to lose you can add me too and that gos for every one. and i know some activities can be embarrassing but what i always say is if thay dont like thay can @#$% thimselvs
  • lippy1727
    lippy1727 Posts: 53
    Hi, Feel free to add me in also in the UK have just under 3 stone to loose, not doing anywhere near as well as you im currently 2lbs down :-( well done on your journey so far and hope we can spur each other on!!
  • klinkow
    klinkow Posts: 26 Member
    can i ask how much a stone is i have seen others us the term and im just wondering
  • Jeshkah_Grace
    Hey I'm Jess and I've just joined on here , have a lot more then 3 stone to lose ! So feel free to add me :)
    I'm currently going swimming a mile a day (66 lengths) and at first I was scared about going swimming and having people look at me , but I've found going to the adult swim which is either during the day or late at night (I'm a student so I have nothing else to do), there aren't any people there who look twice at me , other then to ask how I can swim for an hour straight !, its given me enough confidence that I've signed up for the swimming , gym and other lessons like aqua zumba .
    But yeah , I'm new , so I'd welcome new friends , so if anyone wants to add me just add me as a friend or send me a message :)
    Jess x
  • dizzygirl21
    Hi all,
    I have just signed up today, I live in the UK.
    I have about 3 stone to loss, I am quite often dieting, but nothing seems to work. I have an under-active thyroid which makes it harder to lose weight.
    But I am determined to do it this time, I used to go running and really enjoyed it. But last year when the kids broke up for the school summer holidays I stopped running as it was too difficult to fit it all in (that was my excuse anyway!).
    I would love to start again but have lost my confidence and feel really embarrassed when I get ready to go for a run and see myself in the mirror, so I then get changed again and have a coffee and a biscuit.
    I could really do with some motivation, so if anyone wants to add me as a friend that would be nice. x
  • Yellabutterfly05
    Yellabutterfly05 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I'm Tonya. I joined a few weeks ago and quickly lost motivation when I realized I am the only person that is standing in my way and I retreated after that. I couldn't handle the scrutiny, I was sure it was hubby's fault b/c he's the one with the sweet tooth or I would blame the kids b/c their activities kept me too busy to exercise. After seeing my doctor today she helped take off the blinders. I also thank this website and the great people I have met for welcoming me back.:smile:
  • Shanette_Thomson
    Hello, My name is Shanette, I live in California, USA and I started this program on 7/13/12. I am 4lbs down and 46lbs to go (about 3 stone). I completely LOVE this app. The barcode scanner is amazing !! I would love for anyone to add me and we can help motivate each other. All I can say to the people who are afraid to get in their swim suits and get out there is you need to remember that this is exactly why your doing this!!! You need to get out there and let people see you. That embarassment needs to motivate you to make a change!
  • SekhHydra
    SekhHydra Posts: 19 Member
    Hey im from the u.k too... i live in gloucester.
    i have just under 4stone to loose...2years ago i had my 2nd child and was actually stone and half less than i am now, life got int he way and problems and fake friends, lost al my motivation and also having under active thyroids (known now for 8years) its just been one hell of a drop down the hill uno :(
    also been ill alot with bronchitis but ..I AM Determined to do this and loose this damn weight once and for all!!! it just feels a bit of a struggle each day to get started exercising tho lol... help!!!! lol.

    atm exercising i do (not al in one go, sometimes couple of these a day if got time n energy)
    mini side stepper
    davina dvd workout (aint done for a while)
    julian michaels 30day shred dvd... (thats a burn!!!! omg!!! loved it until my ex friend has it n wont return :( )
    atm i guess thats about it :( ... no confidence to go running outside atm, or to go swimming..wich used to be one of my big things i used to LOVE!

    Anyways, ive gone on lol.. if u want a support MFP buddy add me :)

    My names Maz
  • EllysJellys
    EllysJellys Posts: 111
    anyone else got a lot of weight to lose? been great having more friends on here so add me if u fancy another MFP buddy! : )
  • LexxySixx
    LexxySixx Posts: 16
    yay uk people :)
    i got just over 3 stone left to go, but im getting there slowly....i usually go swimming and if anyone looks or says anything they usually get the middle finger and a huge grin lol x
  • EllysJellys
    EllysJellys Posts: 111
    yeah good for u - i am gonna start going swimming again as it is so relaxing as well as good exercise!! well done on your weight loss so far - amazing!! will add u : )
  • LexxySixx
    LexxySixx Posts: 16
    Thank you :), i found swimming good as like you said, its relaxing and for me when i first started i found the gym really hard going on my knees because i was so heavy :( so i found swimming helped that :) you dont feel like your doing much in the water but when you get out, and the next morning, boy, do you feel it lol xx
  • EllysJellys
    EllysJellys Posts: 111
    where abouts in uk r u from?? u have lost 10 stone - that is so good!!! whatever u r doing diet and exercise-wise is obviously working!! u been on MFP long? x
  • LexxySixx
    LexxySixx Posts: 16
    I joined MFP a couple of days ago lol, my diet is pretty clean tbf, but i am a coffee hound, ill drink buckets of the stuff lol im in the south west atm what bout u? x What are your goals? x
  • Wolfe1759WeDeleted
    Hi there - I am from Toronto, and started out with 12 st. to lose (169 pounds to lose). Since last December I have lost 38 pounds with a combination of eating healthier (portion control, more vegetables, less cheese etc.), and ever-increasing amounts of exercise. When I started working out in January I could only do 7 minutes of cardio on a recumbent bike 5x/week, and now I am up to 30 minutes 6x/week on an elliptical machine. I have only recently started tracking what I am eating - what an eye opener! Good luck to everyone out there, and keep it up!