Here we go

I'm so freakin' sick. I'm hacking and sneezing over everything and pretty much feel really nasty. I've been feeling like this for three days and have only gone to the gym three times this week.

I need to get out of the house and do something aside from lie on the couch. Luckily I'm not sick enough to shop! I need eyeliner and shirts and other goodies since it's warming up in Las Vegas pretty fast.

I'm going to hit the strip in such a force the tourists won't know what hit them.

My point is- if you feel bad because you've been sitting around the house all day and haven't been exercising like you would like to go out and shop! Trying on jeans and shirts burns calories and squeezing on jeans that don't fit burns double the calories.

Best part- I'm dragging my boyfriend along with me. ^_^ Maybe I'll sneeze on him ><


  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    I'm so freakin' sick. I'm hacking and sneezing over everything and pretty much feel really nasty. I've been feeling like this for three days and have only gone to the gym three times this week.

    I need to get out of the house and do something aside from lie on the couch. Luckily I'm not sick enough to shop! I need eyeliner and shirts and other goodies since it's warming up in Las Vegas pretty fast.

    I'm going to hit the strip in such a force the tourists won't know what hit them.

    My point is- if you feel bad because you've been sitting around the house all day and haven't been exercising like you would like to go out and shop! Trying on jeans and shirts burns calories and squeezing on jeans that don't fit burns double the calories.

    Best part- I'm dragging my boyfriend along with me. ^_^ Maybe I'll sneeze on him ><
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    LOL Don't make him sick or you will have to take care of him too! You know how men are! LOL I can't wait to lose the weight so I can go mega shopping! Espically for my wedding dress for my wedding in November!

    Have a great day!