Addicted to Caffeine and Diet Soda?



  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I drink diet mountain dew and diet dr. pepper at least once a day, usually twice. I buy one 16 or 32 oz drink at work, but once that's gone, I switch to water. Then when I get home, I'll usually have a can. Sometimes I don't finish it. I've dramatically upped my water intake, and I don't believe the hype about diet soda. The science just isn't there yet. However I DO know soda (diet or not) leaches calcium from my bones, so I take a calcium supplement.

    I don't drink any coffee, ever.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Every morning I see very young children on their way to school drinking not only Fanta or Sprite but Cola, Red Bull and other very strong energy drinks containing heaps of caffeine and taurine. The stuff is so bad it shouldn't even be sold to kids that young.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I went from drinking ALOT of Diet Coke on a daily basis to 1-2 cans. I never drank water, it was all diet soda.

    When I first started this journey and knew I needed to start drinking water, I stopped drinking Diet Coke and replaced it instead with tea. I still got my caffeine (so no withdrawal headache) and I was drinking water. I slowly replaced the tea with plain bottled water (I prefer the taste of bottled water vs. tap). Once I had it under control (drinking nothing but water every day) I realized I missed my Diet Cokes first thing in the morning. Now, I bring 1 can with me to have with breakfast. The rest of the day (unless I go out for lunch) I drink water.

    I am always so freaking tired that now I have a 5 hour energy each day as well. This helps me feel like I can "manage" my day without curling up in the fetal position under my desk to take a nap. :(
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    i went from a 2 liter of regular soda to 1 can of diet soda a day (for the most part). there are days when i totally struggle, and end up having more caffeine just to keep me awake, but otherwise, after my 1 can in the morning, it's all water for the rest of the day. i'm pretty sure i will never be able to give up my one can. but it's a compromise i can live with...
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    I was addicted to caffeine to the point where if I didn't have it, I would get massive headaches throughout the day. When I lost my job, I cut back to 1 cup of coffee a day but even then if I didn't have it, I would still get the headaches. I decided to pretty much give it up cold turkey and I'm happy to say that I'm now 1 week coffee free. I occasionally will have an iced tea with dinner but my body doesn't rely on it to keep me awake anymore. Since I have MVP, caffeine isn't good for me anyway so I feel much better without it and drink water instead.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I'm addicted to caffeine, in the form of strong, black, unsweetened, unadulterated LEAST 4 cups a day. Without it I suffer from blinding migraines.

    I've never been a diet soda person. I cannot stomach the taste of artificial sweeteners. Also, just a personal desire not to partake in them as I try to eat as naturally as possible. If I want sweet, I eat good old fashioned sugar. Just not much of it. :wink:
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke, but it's not like it was helping me lose weight. My physician (German-trained, very no-nonsense) told me I needed to stop drinking it because it was essentially messing up my metabolism. She said that she would rather that I drink 1-2 cups of black coffee per day (maybe with a bit of skim milk) for the caffeine than ever drink soda (diet or otherwise). I still drink a couple of Diet Cokes per week, but it doesn't even taste very good to me anymore.
  • doreenOrtiz
    doreenOrtiz Posts: 30 Member
    I absolutely love diet coke, use to having it every day its great. But 12 days ago I cut it out completely and only drink water and sometimes cranberry juice, but every day I go in the store I wanna buy one but I have managed to walk past it and I don't buy any for the house or I will break down and drink it. I read that diet coke or any diet soda increases your waist line making you look bigger because of all the fake sugar like splenda ect. and I personalty don't want to look bigger around my stomach. If I can do anyone can I wish you luck it wasn't easy but I do feel healthier drinking water fyi I hate water... lol
  • I gave up caffeine and Diet Coke in one fell swoop about two years ago. (It was also helpful that due to a kidney disorder, I am not allowed to drink caffeine anymore under doctors orders.) It took about two weeks to get over the addiction.

    I still crave the bubbly feeling from soda and have found a great way to get that feeling. I drink carbonated water with a packet of Crystal Light. (When I'm feeling particularly silly, I use the Crystal Light Orange Juice Mix with the Seltzer Water and pretend it's a Mimosa)

    hope that makes some sense!!