Ladies-How heavy do YOU lift??



  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    For reference DB is for dumbbells and BB is for barbells.

    DB bench row - 30 lbs
    DB shoulder press - 25 lbs
    BB shoulder press - 50-60 lbs
    BB Step Ups - 40 lbs
    BB Skull Crushers - 35 lbs
    BB Front Raise 20-25 lbs
    BB Bicep Curls - 35 lbs
    DB Lateral Raises - 12.5 (Less reps I can do 15-17.5)
    Lat Pull Down - 60-70 lbs (depends on machine)
    Read Delts (cable) - 25 lbs
    Cable tricep pull downs - 35 lbs
    Seated Cable Row - 60 lbs
    Leg Press - 250 lbs
    DB or BB Walking Lunges - 40 lbs (total)
    Squats - 115 lbs
    Leg Extensions - 80 lbs
    Prone Leg Curl - 60 lbs

    I was bench pressing about 80 lbs and I've maxed out at 100 lbs. I haven't benched in awhile so I don't know if I can do that same weight or not.

    This is all I can think of for now.

    Holy crap that's impressive. I'm on my 5th week of a program that I worked with a trainer on.

    Dumbell circuit - 2, 12 pound dumbells - 8 reps, 5 rounds, once a week
    Hammer Curls
    Shoulder Press
    Squat+Press combo
    Whatever Ab work I'm in the mood for

    Barbell circuit - 30 pounds - 8 reps, 5 rounds, once a week
    Upright Row
    Shoulder Press
    Good Mornings

    One more week and I think I'm ready to take the dumbbells up to 15, and the barbell up to 35!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Heavy is all relative and bc one can lift more doesn't make one more fit than another. I do circuits with little rest and have split routines. If I did a body part a day with longer rests between sets I'm sure, no I know, I could lift heavy numbers but that's not my goal. Done that in the past and it bores me. Here's what I lift so far for me (various things). I'm 32 yo 5'2 113 lbs 17% BF.

    Dumbell curls 25lbs
    Seated rows (back) 85 lbs
    Tricep rope extensions 35 lbs
    Shoulder Press with bar 80 lbs
    Squats 95 lbs
    Leg press 195 lbs
    Leg extension 95 lbs
    Leg curls 70 lbs
    Straight leg Deadlifts 70-80 lbs

    If I have trouble getting through 8 reps I'm good. Depending on my circuit if I can get to 10 with ease, I up it.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    In answer to the question in your title, here is what I now lift after 5 months of heavy lifting:

    Squats - 102.5 kg (225.5 lbs)
    Bench Press - 65 kg (143 lbs)
    Barbell Row - 70 kg (154 lbs)
    Overhead Press - 42.5 kg (93.5 lbs)
    Deadlifts - 102.5 kg (225.5 lbs)

    I also one arm row with 25 kg (55 lb) dumbells, bicep curl with 12.5 kg (27.5 lb) dumbells....

    If you are progressively adding weight then you are getting stronger and hopefully, if you are eating the right macros and enough calories, building lean mass.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm like....the weakest one here yet.... lol
  • McAlyna
    McAlyna Posts: 123 Member
    I lifted, free weight, 7 weeks now.

    Squat - 110
    Deadlifts - 120
    Barbell Row - 85
    Bench Press - 75
    OP - 50 (so hard for me, seem to can't pass this)
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    1 reps:

    Bench: 105
    DL: 180
    Leg press: 420
    Squat: 125

    I have gained more muscle with going to failure with a medium weight, decreasing then going to failure, decreasing and going to failure one last time......I do heavy the first half of my workout, then do giant sets to finish the muscle I am working on.

    The "bulking up" idea....well that takes a lot longer then I would like. It has taken me since March to get where I am. And isn't even noticeable unless I am flexing...and right after a good workout. i wish I had more visible muscle when I am at rest.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    My 1-rep maxes are:
    deadlift: 175 lbs
    front squat: 125 lbs
    bench press: 85 lbs
    shoulder press: 65 lbs

    I lift between 65-100% of those numbers depending on the day, and retest for my maximum every 4 weeks or so, then readjust. I feel like I've improved a lot, but I'm still far from where I'd like to be! My issue is flexibility as well as strength, especially hamstrings in the squats.
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    In answer to the question in your title, here is what I now lift after 5 months of heavy lifting:

    Squats - 102.5 kg (225.5 lbs)
    Bench Press - 65 kg (143 lbs)
    Barbell Row - 70 kg (154 lbs)
    Overhead Press - 42.5 kg (93.5 lbs)
    Deadlifts - 102.5 kg (225.5 lbs)

    I also one arm row with 25 kg (55 lb) dumbells, bicep curl with 12.5 kg (27.5 lb) dumbells....

    If you are progressively adding weight then you are getting stronger and hopefully, if you are eating the right macros and enough calories, building lean mass.

    Oh my goodness, I bow to you. Those are some impressive numbers!

    I'm still just a beginner with heavy weights. These are my current stats:
    BB squats - 55 lbs.
    DB squats - 70 lbs.
    DB lunges - 40 lbs.
    BB row - 35 lbs.
    Overhead press - 35 lbs.
    Deadlifts - 55 lbs.
    DB bicep curls - 12.5 lbs.
    DB tricep extensions - 8 lbs. (my triceps are so flimsy...)

    I also like to do weighted kickboxing drills. I hold dumbbells for punching and strap on ankle weights for kicking. Feels great to take them off after an intense workout; I feel so fast!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I also feel like a weakling. Hopefully in a few months I can be the bamf in this type of thread. =D

    After almost 3 weeks of heavy lifting. Lulz.

    Squats- 75lbs
    Bench Press- 60 lbs
    Pendlay Row- 60 lbs
    Standing Overhead Press- 55lbs
    Deadlift- 95lbs

    ETA These are all 5x5
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    When people are giving their stats do they generally mean what weight do they use for their sets? Or is this the max they can do (1 rep max)?

    I'm currently squatting 50kg ten times for 3 sets, think I could go up, but don't know what my 1RM would be...
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I do Strong Lifts 5x5

    (115lbs) Deadlift
    (80lbs) Front Squat
    (70lbs) Barbell Row
    (65lbs) Overhead Press
    (55lbs) Bench Press
  • easycure
    easycure Posts: 152 Member
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Im allowed to say my wife can deadlift 265 (sets)
    Bench 150 SETS
    squat 150 limited by knee pain
    360 leg press sets
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I also feel like a weakling. Hopefully in a few months I can be the bamf in this type of thread. =D

    After almost 3 weeks of heavy lifting. Lulz.

    You and me both! I'm still getting off the ground!

    Deadlifts - 100
    Squats - 55
    Overhead press - 45
    Bench press - 45
    Rows - 45

    P.S. These are all barbell weights, roughly 3 weeks into Starting Strength but going very, very slow with it due to back issues, total noob status, etc. etc.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Glad this thread popped back up. Definitely improved since July!!! With that said, per a pp I use weight in actual sets done not 1RM. I have no interest in knowing what I can do once; only improving with what I actually do. IMO 1RM are for bragging rights which don't interest me.
  • katherinepolumbo
    1RM are important if you're a powerlifter :)
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Great thread. More women should lift weights!
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    All my sets are 5x8
    Bench press - 115lbs
    Leg press - 440lbs
    One-arm bent-over row 50lbs
    BB row - 100lbs
    Hip ab/add -145lbs
    Assisted chin-up machine I can lift a little over half my bodyweight so over 100lbs
    Hammer curls - 25lbs
    Side/lat raises - 12lbs
    Flies - 35lbs
    DB Press - 45lbs
    deadlift - 115lbs
    Pullover - 35lbs
    Military press -45lbs
    Leg extensions - 130lbs
    Bench pull (canoe club only, so from May till September) 110lbs

    Just some f what I do...