Today is my Big 50th Birthday but....

1Sweets Posts: 395
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
This isn't a diet question but....

Today is my Big 50th Birthday & my plane leaves at 11:00am today...I went in to wake my son for school & noticed that my 17 year old Son is in there sick:sick:

I'm thinking I can't get on a plane & enjoy myself knowing my son might have swine flu. Would you stay or would you go?:heart:


  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    swine flu:huh: ? Might be a tad bit out there.... Does he have a temp? is he throwing up? Get him to drink some fluids, gatorade esp. if he is throwing up...
    As a mother I can;t say what I would do, its hard to enjoy yourself any where when your kid is sick!
    I hope he gets better soon!! Sorry Im not much help.

    j\:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • Are you single? I might be ok if I was leaving him with my husband to take care of him but if he's going to be all alone probably not.
    Hope he feels better soon!!
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Been planning this with my Hubby for a while now.

    A couple of kids at his High School have had swine flu already. No he's not throwing up, thank God! He just has a fever but he's my type of child that needs attention when sick. Although he is getting older & he did get up in the middle of the night & got his own water etc & didn't wake us (but left all the lights on in the house, as usual).

    I guess I'll know within the next hour or two what I should do, do I stay or do I go.:sad: :sad:

    Cannot get a refund either so still wondering if I leave him alone or go? Probably won't go:noway:
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    awe well I hope he feels better! Any age kids that are sick break my :brokenheart: .. Being a peds nurse, that could be a reason. . . Where was your trip to?
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    is there anyone who can check in on him? the swine flu is going around like mad where i live. how long will you be gone? maybe this is going to help him be less dependent on you, kinda like a right of passage (for lack of a better term)?

    i know it must be a terribly hard decision, but i think you should set him up with everything he could need, including phone numbers to the docs, friends, neighbors, take out, etc. make sure he drinks water and takes his temp.

    will you be somewhere where he can reach you?

    i think either way, you will make the decision that is right for you. no matter what - ENJOY YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hmm my mom would probably delay her trip atleast until he gets checked by a dr. or nurse to confirm wether or not he actually has the swine flu. hmm thats nothing to play with. maybe u can get him to the school nurse for a check up b4 ur trip? if not just leave him with a close family friend that will actually look after him.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hmm my mom would probably delay her trip atleast until he gets checked by a dr. or nurse to confirm wether or not he actually has the swine flu. hmm thats nothing to play with. maybe u can get him to the school nurse for a check up b4 ur trip? if not just leave him with a close family friend that will actually look after him.
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Yes were we going to go to Vegass at 11:00am today.

    My husband called frantic from work bc all the guys on the construction site are being big babies today. He asked me to called our airlines & see what it takes to cancel or postpone but mean while the question is nagging me...the maternal question of who will take care of my (big) baby? :noway:

    My girlfriend who does not leave close by said to have my other teenage daughter help him out. I kinda like that idea. Sounds maybe like a good idea to me...just have to ask her when she wakes up for school
  • Talk about the flu!! It is every where. Every one knows some one that is sick. My daughter is 5. She has had the flu for an entire week. Achy muscles, fever, coughing , headache, running nose, stuffy nose.. she has missed school all week. I stayed by her side, and guess what? Now Mommy is sick to.( uggh Its hard to work out when I am sick..)
    Make sure your son knows to drink plenty of fluids -Warm Fluids! Always warm up what ever he drinks in the microwave. Plus honey right off the spoon will soothe any sore throat better than meds. Tell him to rest, and if his temp gets over 103.0 go to the hospital.
    Talk of swine flu is every where, yet lets not forget This is the regular flu season time!!
    Best of Luck what ever you decide . Happy B-Day :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! I've lost sight of that today. Waiting for a miracle decision on what I should do. :heart:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Welcome to the 50's my dear!! It so far has been ok for me except for the "hot flashes"! But I am on some natural hrt and it seems better!! I hope your day and your son got better!! I honestly don't know what I would have done in your situation, more than likely stayed home and held down the fort, I was bad for giving up my life for the kids and hubby!! I wish you a very special day and may it be brighter in the morning!!!
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