Nutrition...Whose taking what??

Hey everybody
I'm just wondering if anyone would mind sharing some information?

What do you guys take as far as vitamins go? I myself I'm taking a womans multivitamin, but that's it....I'm wondering if I'm missing out anything important that I may need for my weightloss/healthy lving journey? I get online and read so many things, and all of this information is great but also *very* confusing.

and also are you taking anything pre-workout and/or post-workout? Like shakes,drinks,bars?

[Ladies & Gentlemen are welcomed to answer] and any information/thoughts/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    You should probably be taking fish oil. Or at least that's what I read, even mainstream nutrition information seems to recommend it because of all the vegetable oils, grain fed meat, poultry and fish in the SAD throws the balance of omega6 & omega3 fatty acids off. Which causes low level inflammation in the body, which is believed to contribute to all of the modern diseases caused by diet.
  • oobishnu
    oobishnu Posts: 3
    I just take normal multivitamins, seems to be ok to me. I may ask my doctor about it on Monday.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I don't currently take any supplements.

    I don't eat anything specific before, during or after I workout. I'm currently on a pretty lazy exercise regime, though. When I'm doing longer or more intense stuff I might be sure to have some extra protein before and after.

    In the winter I'll be taking a vitamin D supplement as it helps ward off Seasonal Affective Disorder and I can struggle with depression, but that's really all the extra I take.

    You're better off getting your needed nutrients from the food you eat. There are studies that show multi-vitamin supplements don't really make a difference one way or another. Of course, you should research on your own to verify and not take my word for it. I'm sure there are folks who swear by their vitamins.