Do you take a "day off"?



  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    I used to allow myself a "cheat day" once a week.. but then it turned into two cheat days.. then three.. I tend to binge like crazy, so I've stopped the cheat days altogether and just try to keep everything in moderation. Instead of cutting out the yummy fattening stuff altogether I allow myself a little bit every day and that seems to work.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I figure having a "day off" at this time in my weight loss would only set me back. My goal is lose 100lbs. The weight is easily coming off for now, so having a "day off" is unneeded. When i plateau/weight loss slows down, I do plan to incorporate more "cheat days" to keep my metabolizim up and keep my body guessing whats next.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I figure having a "day off" at this time in my weight loss would only set me back. My goal is lose 100lbs. The weight is easily coming off for now, so having a "day off" is unneeded. When i plateau/weight loss slows down, I do plan to incorporate more "cheat days" to keep my metabolizim up and keep my body guessing whats next.

    Be very aware that once it slows, it will NOT be as easy as 1 cheat day to get it to speed back up.

    1 day of surplus will be just that, extra that is stored as fat.
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    No, not really. I don't like the idea of cheat days. I don't even like the word 'cheat'. Same way I don't like the word diet.

    If I am craving chocolate or doritos, I'm not going to think, well if I just wait 4 more days until Saturday, I can have all the chocolate and doritos I want. Instead, I just break off a tiny piece of chocolate from the giant bars I buy (I like the Ghiardelli 60-86% cocoa bars, one bar usually lasts me a couple weeks), or I grab a handful of doritos. If I am desperately craving cereal, I'll have a small bowl right then. Some stuff that I have given up completely, like white bread, pasta, and potatoes, I have found I don't really miss, so I don't see the point of eating it just because I can on some arbitrary cheat day. I suppose I might have a cheat meal here and there, but I don't like, plan to have one each week.

    Cheat days work great for some people, there are entire diet books based on them. But I personally would rather work little cheats into my daily diet rather than have one day.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    Yes, I do take a day off, and will eat something I like that may have a lot of calories and fat (Example: Pizza, cheesesteak, etc..) The key is moderation.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    At the minute I'll have cheat meals sometimes as long as they fit in my calorie count, tonight I'm having pizza for example (hey, it's Friday!) and ill have a big dessert once a week (average) even if it takes me over. If I cut out everything all the time, I might get slightly faster results but I would be miserable!