Excercise Calories

I'm new on here. I lost 157 lbs eating high protein/low carb with 1-2 cheats per week, and working out very intensely. My goal weight is 6 lbs away but I haven't lost anything on the scale since April. I do know that I lost 4% body fat for the month of June. I do a ton if stregnth training, so it is possible that I gained that much muscle. I also went down another pants size.

Anyway, I am on here now to try to lose the last 6lbs. It's frsusterating to be so close to the goal and not get there.

Both today and yesterday I burned 1,000 calories in my workouts. So its says I get 2,200 calories. Yesterday I purposely did not eat back all the exercise calories.

I have read some other posts on here, but seen a lot of conflicting information. If I eat 2,200 today, does that mean I will still lose ~1 lb per week?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I would suggest changing ur cals to lose half a pound as u are so close to goal. And u should eat your exercise cals... U need to work up to maintenance not reduce ur cals more.