Morning Motivation

I haven't been very good at working all! I need someone to kick me in the rearend to get motivated. I'd like to try to work out in the mornings. Never been a morning workout person. I enjoy my coffee and Good Morning America too much. What motivates you to get movin"? HELP!


  • tocallherbeautiful
    tocallherbeautiful Posts: 4 Member
    why not watch good morning america while you exercise. I find working out in the morning is the best for me because then i can't spend the whole day talking myself out of the workout. It also helps me eat healthier all day. Hope this helped.
  • klddesign
    klddesign Posts: 1 Member
    I ALWAYS exercise with a friend or group of friends. It's therapy. And the more you go with the same people, the more you get caught up in what's happening with them and vice versa. Then you'll find that missing days/weeks you feel like you need to get caught up. The exercise sort of becomes secondary but you still get all the benefits from it.