Zumba class - anybody takes zumba classes?



  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    I love zumba too! You do sweat like crazy but I think it's fun and it doesn't really feel like a work out.
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Love zumba classes, even though I'm always a bit lost and look stupid, whatever ! I have fun and sweat a lot which I guess is what we all looking for.
    Bring some sneakers (some people do barefoot) to help your knees....
    Hope you'll enjoy :happy:
  • I just started Zumba tues, .and tonight is another. 2 per week. Don't worry about keeping up, just keep your feet movin when you need to catch your breath. You'll catch on! We have a 78yo woman in our class and she stops when she needs. Does almost ALL of it! I mostly just did footwork at first. I kept it moving for 55 mins and I weigh 206! I burned 587 cals in that time and that's just the LOW end of things!! Amazing and fun!
  • tinahelton
    tinahelton Posts: 65 Member
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Zumba!!! I am a member here at our local YMCA & have taken Zumba, Zumba Toning & the Aqua Zumba. Aqua Zumba is by far the easiest on your knees! I have bad knees as well & am not able to do the hopping and jumping the instructor does. Just do what you can do... most everyone in there will understand when you aren't able to do something. Once you learn the basic moves you will be able to do most of what the instructor is trying to get you to do. Don't be embarassed or get frustrated if you can't keep up. Most people can't and EVERY ONE in there was a beginner at some point. Good luck... it's sooooo much fun! You WILL sweat your tail off (literally!).
  • scottydewwannalosewt
    scottydewwannalosewt Posts: 52 Member
    Hi christina

    When I went to the Y today they told me that the class is free to members and they also said that there might be a little bit of an introduction at the beginning for people just starting out. I can't tell you how excited I am waiting for this tomorrow. Especially the music part.

  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I just started Zumba about a month ago - (unfortunately i got real sick with bronchitis and missed about three weeks). I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Bring a towel - yes, you will sweat like crazy! And water!

    I have been so bummed having to miss out! Normally when I would work out after work, I would have to DRAG myself there, (I am pretty beat after a day of work, as we all are). With my Zumba classes, from about 4 until I leave at 5, I just can't wait to get out the door!!

    Chances are you will not do the moves right. Do not get frusterated. Find it funny. :laugh: Long as you are moving and sweating you are burning - just listen to your body as far as your knee goes, and if you worry about a move with your knee modify it to keep from hurting yourself - you will do enough moving that you'll still have fun and burn

  • sharpeoplepc
    sharpeoplepc Posts: 84 Member
    LOVE IT!!!!:love:
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    love, love, love Zumba... I can't dance, but I have a blast.. I must admit I was hesitant to try and was hooked after the 1st class.. give it a try and let us know what you think... It's more of a workout than people think
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    Zumba can be really fun! A good instructor usually works somewhere around the middle, that way people can modify to make things more or less challenging depending on their skill and fitness levels.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    Depends on the teacher. I had one teacher kick my butt and another teacher was so lame that I did not break a sweat at all.

    I now teach it myself and I make it high cardio but not a bunch of jumping and twisting. I have obese women and I do not want them to hurt their knees. But, my routines are a kick butt routine, because I also have young and in shape women too.

    It is all that I do and I have great muscles and I am in great shape. I figure that I am the best advertisement for my class!! haha!

    Anyway, I hope you have an swesome teacher and have a great time!
  • Just have fun with it and keep moving...it is a great time and I don't even feel like I'm working out becasue it's so much fun. You get a fantastic workout!:smile::smile:
  • cbaac03
    cbaac03 Posts: 152
    I love, love, love Zumba!! It's a great workout and tons of fun. Don't worry about being on the right foot or doing the moves perfectly. Just keep moving, feel the music and the burn. Hope you enjoy!!
  • Did my very first one yesterday. Wasn't a real intense one in my opinion, but burned a modest amount I think.
  • scottydewwannalosewt
    scottydewwannalosewt Posts: 52 Member
    Barefoot, that seems odd. Seems like it's asking for trouble. Especially if they might get too close to me and with my big 15 foot size shoe I wouldn't want to squash someones toes my first day. I better be on the lookout for barefoot dancers (lol).

  • :flowerforyou: I have been wanting to do Zumba but I want to do it at home. It Looks like so much fun but I dont want to go to a class and embarrass myself. Does anyone do it at home?
  • mandi9041
    mandi9041 Posts: 31 Member
    If you think you might have problems with your knee, you could see if your gym has an Aqua Zumba class or a Zumba Gold class. Aqua Zumba is (obviously) a pool party Zumba. It's exhausting, but easy on the joints! A Zumba Gold class is targeting the older adults or the deconditioned (beginner) participants. It is a slightly slower pace and the instructor should be better trained at modifying moves for specific injuries.

    I just got done instructing a regular Zumba class this evening, and I burned 805 calories in 57 minutes! (177 lbs). Also, I know everyone is worried about what everyone is thinking about how they look, but as an instructor, I can say that nobody is looking at you! I can see everyone's faces, and they are either watching the instructor or themselves in the mirror! If you go right when everybody goes left, just have fun going left! No worries!

  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    Going to first one tonight- woohoo! :)
  • TheRoseQueen
    TheRoseQueen Posts: 27 Member
    I just started Zumba last week as an addition to my workouts. I am in the 60-something plus catergory, and joined MFP about a month ago after I stumbled upon it.....and love it!. A word of caution about Zumba if you have knee issues (as I have the same problem)....It does involve a lot of knee movement to make the moves work properly --- BUT, if you adapt it to your abilities as I have, and not allow yourself to get frustrated because you physically can't do it all --- and if you modify it for your personal level, you should be good.
    That being said, it is a lot of fun (and you need to go in with the attitude of having fun)!! Suggestion, when you start learning the moves.....DON'T try to get the feet, and the legs; and the arms; and the head; and the rest of the boooody at all the same time. Start with the foot steps, then move on to the arms and the head....and then shake the boooody. I have to have knee replacement surgery on both knees sometime in the really near future from damage I did to them over the years. Not only do I need to drop at least 20-25 pounds, (and preferably 45-50 to reach my ideal weight) I knew I personally wanted to develop the strength in not only my upper body and core...but also as much as I can in my lower half prior to the surgery. Why......because I want to recover as fast as I can, and I know that increased muscle strength and endurance is going to do it for me. I used to dance and also teach dance (where some of my injuries came from 15 years ago).... and I want to dance again, as it is my passion. I also wanted to change up the workout routine that I have been doing for the last two months because I am at a plateau..... I do Elliptical (got up to about 55 minutes per session at least 4-5 times a week) and also Weight Machines (I have 12 that I work on alternating at least 3-4 times a week). The body goes into "Muscle Memory" when you repeat the same over and over and over again....then there is a plateau, and the workouts don't seem to progress as significantly as in the beginning. I came upon the Zumba class..... and number one....it is going to be extremely hard to make the body go into a "Muscle Memory" mode. So, I am now mixing it all up throughout the week.... I am doing about 3-4 Zumba classes a week mixed in with Elliptical; Weight Machines; Swimming (about 2 days a week)....and there is going to be some huge success in the upcoming weeks. I would also highly recommend you have an instructor to teach the proper movements, otherwise you could leave yourself open for injuries. There is a definite technique, and all it takes is twisting a movement the wrong way....then there could be damage that you might not be happy with. Also, if you have an issue with the knees....let the instructor know and they may be able to tell you how to modify the moves to compensate. There is always a way to compensate....just like low impact aerobics vs. high impact..... Good luck!!!
  • shanae727
    shanae727 Posts: 546 Member
    Don't worry about what you look like or what others are thinking. Enjoy the music and shake those hips! I never really figure out all the foot work so I make up my own. LOL! I love ZUMBAAAAAA!!!!
  • jrwatson87
    jrwatson87 Posts: 66
    Zumba is awesome but I use it as a nice treat to my regular workout routine of just basic cardio everyday and weights every other day. I think doing Zumba every day can make it feel like a chore after awhile because it's pretty intense and the music may make you crazy :) The one thing I love about it though is how empowered I feel after and how it makes me fall in love with my body every time!!