Ramadan-how are you going to stay fit?

Ramadan Mubarak everyone! These past years all I've ate is crap during Ramadan but I'm going to change it this year. I'm just going to try to eat normally like I do and make sure I get 1200 calories because I'll be less active than usual. Normally, I used to eat like 2,500 calories every day during Ramadan which I definitely do NOT need to survive :/. This year I'll probably eat around half of my daily calories at Sehri because I feel bloated if I have too much, then maybe at Iftaar, eat the rest but again, not too much because I don't want to feel sick during Taraweeh prayers. Exercise wise, I'll go for a good half hour walk every day, I'll also do pilates. At Sehri time, I doubt I'll do anything because all the workouts I do need internet connection and I don't want to disturb anyone jumping around when all they want to do it sleep :P. After Isha I'll carry on with the 30 Day Shred but might stay on level 1 for a little longer then when I'm used to fasting every day I'll take it up to Level 2. So what are you guys going to do? I also need more friends to get me motivated so yeah lol I'll probably add you if you reply to this post :] :laugh:


  • sahrak1
    sahrak1 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a little late replying to this but , i was wondering the same issues , im gonna attempt to excercise just before i go to bed and strictly maintain my calories and hopefully see how that goes . x
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    Ramadan Mubarak!

    I plan on exercising just before iftari, that was I can have water straight after instead of feeling dehydrated all day long.. thats the safest option in my head.. and then maybe abit after iftari too! to help digest the food as iftari will be late..

    I think i'll do a little bit of walking and 30day shred too and the Pilates idea is really good.. might go for that! =)

    Good Luck xx
  • aisha594
    aisha594 Posts: 9 Member
    That's a good idea to exercise just before itaari, clever thinking there might use that! Pilates is great, if you do start it then search pop pilates on youtube, she does great videos xx
  • ombal
    ombal Posts: 2
    Whey and supplements during imsak with a light breakfast and plenty of water. for iftar, dates, goat milk, and soup, the prey and come back and eat the main course. So far I havent been able to motivate myself to workout because it takes time for me to adjust to eating regularly to fasting, however by next week i should be able to work out after iftar.