MFP Maintence Calories Too Low?

So, I am a lightly active 21yo 130lb female and MFP has my maintence calories set to 1830. However, on many other sites (as well as by calculating my TDEE by handwriting formulas), my maintence calories are always set between 2100-2300. Has this happened to anyone else? Has anyone had personal experience keeping with their maintence calories and gaining/losing weight?


  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Are you trying to lose weight or just maintain?
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    I upped my calories by 100 and lost another 1.5 lbs, so yes MFP's calories are too low for me.
  • Malvarez2013
    Malvarez2013 Posts: 19 Member
    Are you trying to lose weight or just maintain?

  • Malvarez2013
    Malvarez2013 Posts: 19 Member
    I upped my calories by 100 and lost another 1.5 lbs, so yes MFP's calories are too low for me.

    When you upped your calorie intake and lost 1.5lbs, did you up it from a 'losing' setting or 'maintain weight' setting?
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Personally I find that my maintenance is around what MFP tells me it is, and all the online calculators are WAAAAYYY too high. But everyone is different.
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    I upped my calories by 100 and lost another 1.5 lbs, so yes MFP's calories are too low for me.

    When you upped your calorie intake and lost 1.5lbs, did you up it from a 'losing' setting or 'maintain weight' setting?

    I added another 100 on top of my maintenance setting. I don't eat all my calories everyday, but make up for it on the weekends. I lost another 1.5 lbs on the added 100, so I will go up again. Funny since I lost the 1.5 lbs on a rest week.