
Hello everyone. I was referred here by one of my friends that said this site really helped him to get his weight under control, so here I am.
I'm extremely motivated to get this weight off. I've struggled with ups and downs my whole life, but NO MORE! So far I'm finding MFP super easy and it gets me even more excited to get the weight off!!


  • lesliek312
    lesliek312 Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome! You'll find lots of information and motivation here!
  • FrancineD466
    Hello, I joined yesterday and i also super motivated right now, but my problem is the motivation fizzle as the days go by, I get hungrier and by mind tells me that i have done well and need a reward of something sweet to eat and that is it, everything goes down the drain. I hope this time will be different, i need a life change.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Glad you're here! I just started a few days ago and like tracking my food and exercise! It helps me see a lot- where I need help, what I need more of, less of, and "WOW, that protrein driink is HIGH in sugar!" or "dang, the walk that felt too fast and too long and has me BEAT, only burned 64 calories??".. stuff like that.

    If you're up for it, have your food diary and exercise diary open for others here to see--- that's some motivation!
  • barbstra
    barbstra Posts: 3
    That's how I have been in the past. I'm just too short to be so heavy. It's mostly all in my lower body, so anything I eat that is where it all goes.
  • mattack
    mattack Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome to the greatest site on planet earth.
  • FatKidAtHeart88
    FatKidAtHeart88 Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome to the greatest site on planet earth.

    I agree! You wont regret it :)